Complementary and Alternative
Healing University
xue fu zhu yu tang 血府逐 瘀湯 Edited by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 按此看中文 Name of Formula: xue fu zhu yu tang (yi lin gai cuo) Uses: for correcting blood stasis, including symptoms of unable to ejaculate in sexual intercourse, easily get angry, heaviness in chest area, pain in groin area, bruise mark on the tongue, thin coating on the tongue, brown age spots on the skin, and deep and thin pulse; impotence due to blood stasis. Prescription: dang gui, sheng di, hong hua, niu xi 9 g each, tao ren 12 g, zhi ke, chi shao 6 g each, chai hu, gan cao 5 g each, jie geng, chuan xiong 4.5 g each. Boil with water and use as tea. Warning: Do not use if there is no blood stasis. Diagnosis must be correct. Do not use this formula if you are not well experienced in diagnosis and application. Do not use this formula if the patient is using blood thinning drugs, like warfarin or heparin etc.
Note: This is one of the ten famous herbal formulas
See the following conditions that can affect sexual function:
功用﹕ 活血去瘀﹐行氣止痛﹐抗凝血﹐擴張血管﹐解除痙攣﹐鎮靜。 主治: 用于瘀 血停滯之頭痛,性交不能射精﹐胸脅疼痛,內熱煩悶,急躁善怒,失眠多夢,心悸,呃逆乾嘔,舌赤﹐脈弦滑。冠 心病﹐高血壓﹐腦血管疾病等﹐血瘀性之陽萎。 處方﹕ 當歸 9 克﹐生地 9 克﹐紅 花 9 克﹐ 牛膝 9 克﹐桃 仁 12 克﹐ 枳殼 6 克﹐ 赤芍 6 克 ﹐柴 胡 5 克﹐
水煎。分作 2 ~3 次服。 禁忌﹕ 孕婦忌用。如無明顯瘀血的症狀,不宜使用。不可與散瘀西藥同用。 Problems with website? Please Click here for comment. (Not for inquiry ) 按此看關於版權問題Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌 所提供之廣告