Pharmaceutical name: 英文藥名﹕ | Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae |
Latin name: 學名﹕ | Achyranthes bidentata Bl. |
Pron. in Japanese: 日語發音﹕ | goshitsu |
Pron. in Korean: 韓語發音﹕ | usul |
Pron. in Cantonese: 粵音﹕ | ngau4 sat1 |
Other Names: 別名﹕ | huai niu qi 淮牛膝,huai qi 淮七。 |
Common Name: 英文名﹕ | achyranthes root |
Distribution: 產地﹕ | Shaanxi, Gansu, Henan provinces, growing in mountainous areas of 500 to 1,300 meters altitude, in the wet, moist areas next to ditches and streams or along the roads. It was mainly grown in the ancient city of Huai Qing Fu, where it get its name "huai" niu xi. 陝西,甘肅,河南等省。生於海拔500-1300米山區的陰濕水溝邊,路旁和河 岸。 ,主產於河南,因產於古懷慶府(今焦作市)而得名。 |
Properties characteristics)﹕ 性味﹕ | bitter, sour, neutral 苦﹐酸﹐平。 |
Channels meridians) entered: 歸經﹕ | liver, kidney. 肝﹐腎。 |
Medical functions: 藥理﹕ | Anti-hypertensive effect: the ingredient alkaloid of niu xi possesses good antihypertensive effect. It is proven that combining with other antihypertensive medication can produce satisfactory and safe result. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect: the alcohol extract of niu xi promote circulation and can arrest pain due to hematoma and possesses anti-inflammation and resolution effect. Improving immune system: the achyranthes bidentata polysaccharide can enhance the immune system. Stimulating uterus effect: the extract of niu xi can make the tense uterus muscles of guinea pigs relax thus can produce the strong contraction force. Anti-aging effect: the active ingredient ecdysterone can improve liver function, lower cholesterol, improve the activities of cells. diuretic effect: Anti spasm effect: it possesses a mild inhibiting effect on digestive tract.
1,有降壓 作用。懷牛膝中所含生物鹼,具有良好的降壓作用,與其他藥物配合應用,治療高血壓病,心血管病,已取得安全,可靠的效果。 2,抗炎與鎮痛作用。牛膝酒制後,有明顯的活血止痛作用,對於淤血所致疼痛症狀有緩解作用。懷牛膝鎮痛效果最佳。牛膝提取液有強抗炎 消腫作用。其機理為提高機體免疫能力,擴張血管,改善循環,促進炎性病變吸收等。 3,增強免疫功能。傳統認為懷牛膝偏於補益肝腎,強壯筋骨,現代藥理研究表明,懷牛膝富含牛膝多糖,(半乳糖,葡萄糖,甘露糖)有明顯的增強體液 免疫功能作用。 4,興奮子宮作用。本品的流浸膏使豚鼠子宮的肌肉緊張多呈弛緩作用,使受孕子宮發生強有力的收縮。 5,懷牛膝有效成分及提取液均有一定的抗衰老作用。懷牛膝中所含的促脫皮甾酮能改善肝功能 ,降低血漿膽固醇,有增強細胞活性的作用。 6,有利尿作用。麻醉兔或大靜脈注射牛膝煎劑或醇提液有輕度利尿作用。 7,解痙作用。對動物胃 腸有輕度抑制作用。 |
Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ | damp cold, weakness and pain in loin and knees, tight and spastic limbs, irregular menses, postpartum pain in abdomen due to blood stasis, afterbirth not being expelled, blood in urine, physical injuries and difficulty in bending knees. Raw huai niu xi is effective for breaking blood stasis. Cooked huai niu xi is effective for strengthening muscles and bones, promoting urination and strengthening essence of the body. 寒湿,腰膝骨疼,腰膝酸軟,四肢拘挛,經血不調,產後瘀血腹疼,胎衣不下,血淋,跌打損傷及屈膝 障碍 。 生用可散惡 血,破癥結。 熟用可補肝腎,強筋骨,利尿強精。 |
Chemical ingredients: 化學成份﹕ | The roots and stems contain: achyranthes bidentata polysaccharide, ecdysterone (molding hormone of insects), inokosterone, and various adjustment hormones of insect and triterpenoid saponins, mucilage, potassium salt, and trace elements of nickel 5.4, iron 19.6, copper 6.3, manganese, chronium 1.5 (ppm). 根和莖包含:牛膝多醣,羥基促 脫皮甾酮(ecdysterone),牛膝甾酮(inokosterone)等多種昆虫變態激素和三萜皂甙。此外尚含粘液質及鉀鹽。微量元素有鎳5.4, 鐵19.6,銅6.3,錳33.5,鉻1.5(ppm)。 |
Dosage: 用 量﹕ | 9 to 15 g 9~15 克。 |
Samples of formulae: 處方 舉例﹕ | niu che shen qi wan 牛車腎氣丸 |
Modern Research: 現代研究﹕ | |
Toxicity & Cautions: 毒素與禁忌﹕ | not to use during pregnancy, diarrhea due to pixu (spleen deficient) , excessive menstruation or spermatorrhea due qixu (qi deficient). Not to use with bai qian . 懷孕﹐脾虛腹瀉﹐月經過多﹐ 氣虛遺精 忌用。 不可與白前同用。 |