Complementary and Alternative Healing
Cirrh Sclerosis of the liver causes the inability of the liver to process and metabolize the female hormone and it causes the imbalance of male and female hormone and impotence. Clinical symptoms include:
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Formula #1 Name of Formula: Sheng Jiang San, with added ingredients 升降散加味 Uses: move qi and rid of stagnation. For cirrhosis of early stage and enlarged spleen. Prescription: chai hu 6 g, huang qin 10 g, jiang can 10 g, chan tui 6 g, jiang huang 6 g, da huang 1 g, shui hong hua zi 10 g, zhi bie jia 20 g, raw mu li 29 g, jiao shan zha 10 g, jiao mai ya 10 g, jiao shen qu 10 g. Add 1200 cc of water. Simmer till 500 cc is left. Make into 3 servings. Drink while warm. Use 5 prescriptions a week. After 4 months, change into 3 prescriptions a week. Formula #2 yin chen hao tang 《source: Jin Gui 》 For jaundice, fever with lack of appetite, constipation, difficulty in urination. Can be used in cirrhosis of liver.
Prescription: yin chen hao 22 g, da huang 12 g, shan zhi zi 12 g. Add 2 bowls of water. Simmer till 80% of a bowl is left. Make into 2 servings. Drink while warm. See the anti-oxidation effect of yin chen hao tang Formula #3
Name of Formula: xiao chai hu tang《source: Shang Han Lun 》 For liver qi stagnation. It is also used to prevent cancer of the liver. Prescription: chai hu 5 qian, huang qin 3 qian, dang shen 3 qian, ban xia 3 qian, zhi gan cao 2 qian, sheng jiang 3 qian, da zao 3 pieces slit open Boil with water. Take as tea. Note: qian = 3.75 grams (old measurement) This formula has been used in certain cancer therapy, including in APL. When you prescribe this, make sure your patients are not allergic to ban xia or chai hu and monitor your patients closely. Formula #4: chai hu gui jiang tang with added ingredients Note: “sho saiko to” is Japanese pronunciation of xiao chai hu tang ( Portal vein: a vein that conducts blood from the digestive organs, spleen, pancreas, and gallbladder to the liver. ================================================ Folk medicine: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) includes diagnostics, formula composition study and pharmacology, and tailoring the use of herbs to the individual patient. Folk medicine, on the other hand, is a compilation of formulae used by the general public to treat certain conditions without reference to a complete system of medicine. Selections of formulas: Formula #1 (Folk medicine) Chicken soup with American ginseng American ginseng 12 g, dong chong xia cao ( Wash all ingredients. Put into a double boiler. Simmer with low heat so that the protein can be digested with the help of the enzyme from the fresh chicken. Simmer for about 8 hours. Make into 2 servings. Use 2 prescriptions per week. Formula #2 Sclerosis of Liver (Folk medicine) Live pond loaches 2 kg. Put live pond loaches in clear water for one day to let them secrete all the waste. Bake the pond loaches till dry. Grind into powder. Take 10 g each time, with warm boiled drinking water. Use three times a day. 15 days is a treatment cycle. Four cycles is considered maximum.
Click to see a study on using live pond loaches. Click to see qigong for therapy Click to go back to impotence. Electric acupuncture in conjunction with herb treatment showed that it helped to improvement platelet count dramatically compared to just using herb therapy only. Links back to impotence:
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肝硬化導至脾腫大 1. 升降散加味 功效﹕行氣開郁﹐活血化瘀。治早期肝硬化﹐脾藏腫大。 處方﹕柴胡 6克﹐黃 芩10克 ﹐殭蠶 姜 黃 6克﹐大 黃 1克﹐水 紅花子10克﹐炙鱉 甲 20克﹐ 加水1200cc 煎至500cc﹐分三次溫服。每週用五劑。 服用四個月後改為每週三劑。 *************************************************** 2. 茵陳蒿湯 《方 源:金櫃 》 主治﹕傷寒發黃,及穀疸。發熱不食,大小便秘。 可用於肝硬化。 處方﹕ 加水二碗,煎八分。作二次溫服。 註﹕一錢 = 3 ******************************************************
3. 小柴胡湯有 助預防肝硬化轉變成肝癌, 並提高存活 率。
柴胡 五錢﹐黃 芩 三錢﹐黨參 三錢﹐半 夏 三錢﹐炙甘草 二錢﹐生 薑 12克﹐大棗三枚劈開。 加水三碗﹐煎八分。溫服。 註﹕一錢 = 3
據病情虛﹐實﹐寒﹐熱的不同,分別擇用補氣養血﹐清肝 健脾﹐ 逐水清熱﹐利濕行氣﹐活血消瘀的中藥。 4. 可選用:大黃螯蟲丸﹐鱉甲煎丸﹐茵陳蒿湯。 配合丹 參﹐桃 仁﹐木 通﹐三稜﹐鬱 金﹐生 地黃﹐阿 膠 等中藥辨證論治,對於改善肝硬化﹐減少腹水有一定的幫助。 定時作抽血﹐超音波檢查。 注意﹕ 不可用關木通﹐因為關木通有毒。可致腎臟衰竭。 1. 西洋 參12克 ﹐ 冬蟲夏 草 10克﹐新鮮農家雞一公斤半至二公斤﹐ 生薑三片﹐蔥三條﹐水1500cc ~ 2000 cc﹐放入燉盅。隔水慢火燉若八小時。
2. 泥鰍方 處方﹕將活泥 鳅 二公斤﹐放在清水中﹐養之一天﹐ 使它們排乾淨腸內廢物。隔日把泥鰍放入爐內烘乾﹐ 研末。裝入瓶內。每日服3次。 每次10 克。用溫開水送服。15天為一療程。最長服四個療程。 看中文﹕電 針治肝硬化對血小板的影響
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