Complementary and Alternative Healing
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
According to the Western perception, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) mainly refers to acupuncture. In fact, acupuncture is only a small part of Chinese medicine. The main part is clinical diagnostics and herbal medicine. Acupuncture was first introduced to the West when American president Richard Nixon visited China and was presented with a demonstration of acupuncture used as anesthesia in surgery. When acupuncture was first legalized in the state of California, the practice of Chinese herbal medicine was grouped together with it in order to save administration costs. Yet the fact is that acupuncturists are usually not trained in the practice of Chinese herbal medicine, which takes a longer time to master, and many herbal doctors are not trained in acupuncture . In recent years, many acupuncture schools in Western countries have started to teach Chinese herb medicine.
General information for Chinese medicine practitioners Formulae in the English alphabet in this website are for your reference only. Use the Chinese writing for prescription to avoid mistakes and to avoid confusion in Chinese herb stores. If there is a discrepancy between the alphabet pinyin Chinese and the Chinese characters, use the Chinese characters. Weights expressed in this site are either in grams (g) or in the traditional Chinese measurements of qian and liang. Qian=3.75 grams and liang=37.5 grams, as used by most overseas Chinese. (Most herb stores in mainland China use 3 grams as one qian.) Sometimes we use qian and sometimes we use g (grams) for our convenience in writing. Many old formulae published in mainland China had the weight converted into grams. Many overseas Chinese, especially those of the older generation, still use the old weight, even if the law of their residence countries requires them to use the official weight of those countries. The writer has sometimes noticed that herbalists were confused when asked to fill prescriptions expressed in grams. In many instances, supervisors came to revise the weight into qian or liang for the workers who filled the prescriptions.
When writing prescriptions, it is a good practice to write
the weight qian 錢 or liang
in printed form like these, unless you know that the person who is going
to fill the prescriptions is familiar with your handwriting. A formula written
in shorthand can be confusing for herbalists from mainland China if you use
the symbols commonly used in Hong Kong or among overseas Chinese in other parts
of the world. The herbalists from the mainland might read your shorthand
The weights listed are for your reference. They should be adjusted according to the individual diagnostics based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) method. Chinese medicine is individualized medicine. One formula does not fit everyone with the same illness. Not only is the weight of herbs to be adjusted, but certain herbs are also to be added or subtracted according to zheng (syndromes) diagnostics. General information for the public Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) includes diagnostics and pharmacology, and use of herbs should be tailored to the individual patient. Folk medicine, on the other hand, is a compilation of formulae used by the general public to treat certain conditions without reference to a complete system of medicine. In some publications, folk medicines are called "secret formulae." In this website there are some samples of folk remedies listed under the names of specific conditions. About the taste of Chinese herbs Treatments and Samples of Formulae Periodontitis or pyorrhea and Gingivitis Urination difficulty due to prostate enlargement See more listing of samples of herb treatment Chinese and English utility books (useful in practice of Chinese medicine) New Uses of Classical Formulae
Appendix Metric weight, Chinese weight, and American weight conversion: 1 kilogram (kg) = 2.204 pounds (avoirdupois) 1 kilogram (kg) = 2 jin (32 liang) new measurement 1 kilogram (kg) = 1.67 jin (26.72 liang) old measurement 1 pound (avoirdupois) = 453.721 grams 1 liang =10 qian (new) = 31.25 grams 1 liang =10 qian (old) = 37.5 grams (37.429 grams), being used in Hong Kong and Taiwan and in many over sea Chinese communities.
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Last update: Nov. 9, 2014; 11:50 pm; LAH