Impotence, shenxu (kidney deficiency), blood clot
Edited by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 按此看中文
shenxu (kidney deficiency)
Name of formula: tu ji san
rou cong rong 210 g, she chuang zi 90 g, yuan zhi 40 g, wu wei zi 15 g, tu si zi 120 g,
If the condition is Shenyangxu :
add: rou gui, fu zi, lu rong, ba ji tian, zi he che, dong chong xia ca
If the condition is Shenyinxu:
add : shu di huang, gui ban, zhi mu, huang bai, nu zhen zi, han lian cao
Wash the herbs and bake till dry. Grind into powder.
Take 12 g each time, twice a day. Take with lightly
salted drinking water.
Clot blood obstruction:
Name of Fomula: xue fu zhu yu tang with adjustment
dang gui, sheng di, hong hua, niu xi 9 g each, tao ren 12 g, zhi ke, chi shao 6 g each, chai hu, gan cao 5 g each, jie geng, chuan xiong 4.5 g each, .
Boil with 3 boil of water. Simmer till 1 bowl. Make into 2 to 3 serving per day. One package a day.
Also see ming men lacks fire.
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