Complementary and Alternative Healing University
yin chen wu ling san 茵陳五苓散 (in English and Chinese 中英文) Name of formula: yin chen wu ling san (Shang Han Lun) Applications: edema due to inflammation of the kidneys; asthma; edema during pregnancy; ascites due to cirrhosis of liver; water retention in face and limbs, difficulty in urination; white and oily looking tongue, floating pulse. Prescription: yin chen hao 12 g, gui zhi 12 g, zhu ling 15 g, fu ling 15 g, bai zhu 15 g, ze xie 15 g. Boil with 3 bowls of water. Reduce to 80% of a bowl. Drink one hour before meals, while it is warm. 1 .acute hepatitis:add
子。 Note: This
formula comes from
one of the
ten famous herbal formulas,
滿﹐小便不利﹔氣喘腹脹。 舌苔白膩,脈浮者。 組成: 茵陳蒿 三錢,桂 枝 三 錢﹐ 豬苓 四 錢﹐ 茯苓 四 錢﹐白 朮 四 錢﹐ 澤瀉 四 錢。 水 三 碗。 煎 八 分。 飯前一小時溫服
一錢等於 3.75 克 (舊制)
1 .急性肝炎:加虎
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