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da huang 大黃 (in English and Chinese 中英文)
Translated and Compiled by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu
Present Day Application:
For serious injuries, losing large amount of blood, infection, shock, sudden stoppage of heart or respiration, intoxication, hypoxemia , Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS), Multi-organ Failure (MOF).
It can help preventing: the inflammation of the stomach and intestine paralysis, liver cell injury in acute hepatitis, and acute lung injury.
If the above illnesses have already occurred, it can provide a different degree of therapeutic effect.
See picture of herb here. See picture of plant.
嚴重創傷﹐大失血﹐感染﹐休克﹐心跳呼吸骤停﹐中毒﹐低氧血症﹐MODS和多臟器功能衰竭(MOF)等多種危重病患者,在未出現急性胃粘膜病變和腸麻痹﹐急性肝細胞損傷﹐急性肺損傷之前應用,有 预防其發生的作用,對已出现上述臨床併發症者則有不同程度的治療作用。 按此看大黄飲片圖。 按此看植物圖
Pharmaceutical name: 英文药名: | Radix et Rhizoma Rhei |
Biological name: 學名﹕ | Rheum palmatum Linn (zhang ye da huang 掌葉大黃) Rheum tanguticum Maxim. et Baill. (tang gu te da huang 唐古特大黄) Rheum officinale Baill. (yao yong da huang 药用大黄)
Pron. in Japanese: 日語發音﹕ | daio |
Pron. in Korean: 韓語發音﹕ | taehwang |
Pron. in Cantonese: 粵語發音﹕ | daai6 wong4 |
Other Names: 別名 ﹕ | jiang jun 將軍, chuan jun﹐川軍﹐jing wen 錦紋 , chuan da huan 川大黃, zhi jun (prepared da huang) 制軍(制大黄) |
Common Name: | Chinese rhubarb root and rhizome |
Distribution: 分佈﹕ | Rheum palmatum LINN (掌葉大黃): Sichuan, Gansu, Qinghai, Xikang and other provinces. Tang Gu Te da huang: Sichuan, Gansu, Qinghai, and other provinces. Medical da huang: Hupei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other provinces. 掌 葉 大 黃 分 布 四 川 ﹐ 甘 肅 ﹐ 青 海 ﹐ 西 康 等 省 。 唐 古 特 大 黃 分 布 四 川 ﹐ 甘 肅 ﹐ 青 海 等 地 。 藥 用 大 黃 分 布 湖 北 ﹐ 四 川 ﹐ 貴 州 ﹐ 雲 南 等 地 。 |
Properties (characteristics) 性味: | bitter, cold 苦,寒。 |
Channels (meridians) entered: 歸經: | heart, large intestine, liver, stomach 心,大腸,肝,胃。 |
Actions & Indications:主治: | lack of bowel movement dysentery blood clots tumor red and painful eyes abdominal distention and/or pain blood in stool hemorrhoidal bleeding urination burning sensation nose bleeding coughing up blood sore extremities edema jaundice lesions burns and scalding (external application) absence of menses Note: Cooking for more than 10 minutes will reduce its purgative effect. For purgative effect use raw da huang. For blood invigorating action use wine or vinegar treated da huang. To stop bleeding use charred da huang.
宿 食 停 滯 ,實 熱 便 秘 , 痢 疾 , 瘀 血 , 癥 瘕 , 暴 眼 赤 痛 , 腹部脹滿﹐ 水 腫 , 黃 疸 , 小 使 淋 瀝 , 瘡 癤 癰 毒 。
註:煎煮多過10分鐘能 减少瀉下作用。作瀉剤需用生大黄 。 增加血液循環需用醋製或酒製大 黄。 |
Medical Function: 药理: | Induces diarrhea: Oral administration of water or an alcohol extract created diarrhea in white lab mice. Its water extract did not affect the carbon powder movement in the small intestine, but could promote the expelling of the carbon powder It did not affect the amount of water in the small intestine but increased the water in the large intestine. Using the extract for muscle or vein injection did not induce diarrhea. The laxative effect of da huang has nothing to do with the blood flow but is a direct effect in the large intestine, causing the large intestine's motility, and an increase in the amount of moisture generated, thus causing the purgative effect. Lowers BUN (blood urea nitrogen) in the blood. Anti bacteria Anti virus: water extract possesses anti virus effect; anti HBV [1] 瀉 下 作 用: 本 品 水 或 醇 抽 取 物, 對 於 小 白 鼠 經 口 給藥 有 瀉 下 作 用 。 其 水 抽 取 物 不 影 響 小 腸 內 炭 末 輸 送 作 用 ,但 能 促 進 炭 末 排 泄 作 用 , 不 影 響 小 腸 內 水 分 量 ,能 增 加 大 腸 內 水 分 量 。 抽 取 物 以 肌 肉 或 靜 脈 內 注 射 給 藥 時,則 不 發 生 瀉 下 作 用 。 本 品 瀉 下 作用 與 血 行 無 關 , 乃 直 接 作 用 於 大 腸 , 引 起 大腸 運 動 亢 進 ,水 分 量 增 加 而 產 生 瀉 下 作 用 。 降 低 血 中 尿 素 氮 作 用 本 品 鼠 李 沒 食 子貳 ( rhatannin ) 成 分 以 腹 腔 給 藥 注 射 於 家 兔 ,可 降 低 血 中 尿 素 氮 (BUN) 作 用 。 其 抗 菌 活 性 成 分 為 大 黃 酸 (rhein) ﹐ 大 黃 素 (emodin) ,而 遊 離 型 之 蔥 衍 生 物 之 抗 菌 性 較 弱 。 水 抽 取 物 有 抗 病 毒 作 用; 抗 HBV。[1] |
Chemical ingredients:化學成份﹕ | Chemical ingredients: | 化 學 成 份﹕ | Chrysophanol | 大黃酚 | Rheumemodin | 大黃素 | Sennoside | 番瀉貳 | Heterodianthrone | 混二恩酮 | Chrysophanein | 大黃酚貳 | Catechin | 兒茶精 | 2-O-Cinnamoyl - l,6-di-O-galloyl-β -D-glucoside | 桂皮醯沒食子貳 | Rhatannin | 鼠李沒食子貳 |
Dosage: 用量: | 3~12 g. 3∼12 克。看大黃用量之討論。 |
Samples of formulae: | |
Modern Research: | da huang can inhibit Coxsackie virus B3 Researchers at the medical school of Wuhan University of China announced that researchers Zhan-Qiu Yang et al of their Virus Research Unit verified that although da huang cannot directly kill CVB3 but can induce the cells of CVB3 to shrink, peel off, and break; thus it can stop CVB3 to multiply. 武漢大學醫學院宣佈,該院病毒研究所楊佔秋研究員等在我國首次證實:傳統中藥大黃雖然不能直接“殺滅”CVB3,但卻可以導致CVB3出現細胞皺縮﹐脫落﹐碎裂等病變特征,阻止CVB3繼續增殖,抑制CVB3的复制,使其喪失“毒性”而發揮大黃的抗病毒作用,從而証明,傳統中藥大黃對柯薩奇病毒B3具有“誘殺”作用。 |
Cautions: | not suitable for patients with pixu (spleen deficient) condition. Long term usage is not recommended. Constipation may follow after sudden dropping of usage of da huang after long period of time. 脾虛﹐胃寒者不宜服用。《中藥辭海》稱,大黄含有多量鞣質,因此小劑量不僅不會引起瀉下作用,且呈收斂作用;停藥後,也往往出現繼發性便秘。 含草酸,大劑量應用時有毒。 |
[1] J Viral Hepat. 2013; 20(7): 445-452.
Identifying authentic da huang from counterfeit:
Authentic medicinal plants of the herb da huang are: dried roots and rhizomes of Rheum palmatum L., Rheum tanguticum Maxim. ex Balf. or Rheum officinale Baill. Their physical identifying characteristics are: rhizome diameter is about 3 ~ 10cm. The medulla portions of new cross-sections are broad, with design of star points ringing out or scattered.
1.Take the product powder 0.2 g, add 2 ml of warm methanol.
2. Soak for 10 minutes, let cool.
3. Take the10 μl of supernatant and drop a dot on filter paper. Drop a drop of 45% ethanol on it.
4.Remove the paper, let it dry and stand for 10 minutes.
5. Review under UV light (365nm), should not show significant lasting bright purple fluorescent. (check Rumex II).
The following excerpt written by Shen Bao-An (沈保安) on identifying counterfeit da huang
Rheum franzenbachii Munt Its medicinal root diameter is about 1 ~ 5cm; cross-section without star points and shows purple fluorescence in the UV lamp.
Rheum hotaoense C. Y. Cheng et C. T. Kao. Its medicinal root diameter is about 1.5 ~ 4cm; without star points of the new cross-section and shows purple fluorescence in the UV lamp.
Rheum emodi Wall. Its medicinal root diameter is about 1 ~ 5cm; new cross-section in the sunlight shows significant blue-gray, and shows violet fluorescence in the ultraviolet lamp was.
Rheum wittrochii Lundstr. Its medicinal root diameter is about 2.5 ~ 4cm; without star points of the new cross-section and shows purple fluorescence in the UV lamp.
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