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fu ling  茯 苓,   fu shen  茯神, fu ling pi  茯 苓皮

(in English and Chinese 中英文)


By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu

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2. Tumors: Fu ling compound was used on 70 different type of tumors. In some cases only fu ling was used, and in others fu ling was used with chemo therapy, or radiation therapy or surgery. It showed that fu ling can strengthen the body, improve body weight, improve appetite, lessen or prevent side effect of chemo therapy, protect bone marrow, improve liver and kidney functions, improve radiation therapy on nose and throat cancers. (2)

3. Infant diarrhea

4. Improve schizoid condition

5. Improve liver function

6. For baldness after giving birth:

Use 10 g of fu ling. Make into decoction. Twice a day. Externally apply bu gu zhi and han lian cao tincture. All of the eight patients healed in two months. Source: Chinese Dermatology Journal.

  1. 水腫。

  2. 治療癌腫。減低化療的副作用 。

  3. 小兒腹瀉。

  4. 改善神經分裂症狀。

  5. 增進肝臟功能。

  6. 產後 禿頭: 每服10g. 日用二次,加上 外用補 骨脂旱蓮草酊劑 (中華皮膚科雜 誌)

Pharmaceutical name:


Sclerotium Poriae Cocos

Biological name:


 Poria Cocos (Schw.) Wolf

Pron. in Japanese:



Pron. in Korean:



Pron. in Cantonese:


fuk6 ling4

Other Names:


yun ling 雲苓﹐bai fu ling 白茯苓, fang ling kuai 方苓塊﹐chuan ling 串苓﹐huo shen 获神﹐huo shem mu 获神木﹐chi huo ling 赤获苓﹐huo ling pi 获苓皮﹐zhu fu ling朱茯苓.  按此看茯苓處方名

Common Name:


poria, sclerotium of tuckahoe, china root, hoelen



Hubei, Anhui, Henan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan provinces of  China

湖 北,安 徽,河 南, 云南,贵州等省。

Properties (characteristics)


sweet, bland, neutral

甘﹐ 淡,平

Channels (meridians) entered:


heart, spleen, lung, kidney

歸心 ﹐肺﹐脾﹐腎經。

Actions and Indications:


as diuretics, in urinary difficulty, diarrhea, water retention, pixu with water retention. Urination difficulty due to damp heat.  Pixu with mucus production and headache, dizziness, palpitations, with thick greasy tongue coating. Palpitation, insomnia or forgetfulness, loss of appetite. Inflammation of the uterus and chronic sinusitis.

Note: Balance with other herbs in case yinxu condition.

利水 滲 濕 ﹐ 健 脾 化 痰 ﹐ 寧 心 安 神。濕熱 小
便 不 利  ﹐ 水 濕 停 滯﹔ 脾 虛﹕ 腹 瀉 ﹐ 食 少 脘 悶 ﹐

痰 飲 咳 嗽 ﹐ 痰 濕 入 絡 ﹐ 肩 背 酸 痛 ﹐ 咳 逆 ﹐ 胸 悶 ﹐

心 悸 ﹐ 失 眠 等 。  子 宮 炎 症 ﹐ 慢 性 副 鼻 竇 炎 。

Medical Function:


diuretics, reducing plasma glucose, tranquilizing, inhibits bacteria,  relaxing effect on smooth muscles, improves immune system .

  1. 利 尿

  2. 降 血 糖 ﹐

  3. 鎮 靜

  4. 抑 菌

  5. 放鬆平滑肌

  6. 增 強 免 疫 功 能

Chemical ingredients:


pachymose 84.2%, albuninoid 0.68%, fiber 2.84%, 茯苓次聚糖 pachymaran (3)β-茯苓聚糖 b-pachyman,  b-pachymanase, 茯苓酸 pachymic acid, 16α-羥基齒孔酸 tumulosic acid, 齒孔酸 eburioic acid, pinicolic acid,  β-香樹脂醇乙酸酯 β-amprin acetate, 3 b-hydroxy lanosta-7, 9 (11), 茯苓新酸  A poricoic acid A (16 a-hydroxy-3, 4-secolanosta-4 (28), 7, 0 (11),  24-trien-21-oic acid, poricoic acid B (16 a-hydroxy-2, 4-secolanosa-4 (28), 7, 9 (11), 24-tetraen-3, 21-dioic acid) (8)

Fatty acid: caprylic acid, undecanoic acid, 月桂酸 lauric acid, 十二碳烯酸 dodecenoic acid, 棕櫚酸 palmitic acid.


麥角甾醇 ergosterol, gum, histadine, choline, chitin, protein, fats, glucose, sterols, histamines, lecithin,  lipase, choline, adenine. Other non organic items: SiO2, Mg, P, Fe, Ca, S, Na, K, Mn, Cl.  


菌核含(β-Pachcman),(pachpmaran)等多糖[1],(pachymic acid), (tumulosic acid)[2] ,),(poricoc acid)A~D、DM、AM[3],)[1],(ergosterol)[2],(palmitic acid),(dodecenoic acid),(lauric acid)[5]等。



5 to 15 g

常 用 量 5 - 15 克 。

Samples of formulae:


Samples of formulae:



Not suitable for patients with yinxu (yin deficient) condition. [1]

The characteristics of the herb fu ling is that it is more of a diuretic than a tonic herb. Over usage can weaken the eyes. Not compatible with chronic weakness of the body. [2]

Not to use in cases of shenxu (kidney deficient)  with urinary incontinence, or in cases of clear sperm or spermatorrhea due to yangxu (yang deficient). [3]

Not compatible with rice venegar.

本 草綱目》:“ 陰虛者 不宜用也。”《本草正》:“茯苓,補少利多,故多服最能損目,久弱極不相宜。”《得配本草》:“氣 虛下陷, 水 涸口干 俱禁用。”《本 草經疏》 :“病人腎 虛, 小水自利或不禁或虛寒 (陽 虛)精清滑,皆不得服。”《藥性論》:“忌米醋。”

[1]Ben Cao Gang Mu

[2] Jin Yue Quan Shu, Ben Cao Zheng

[3] Ben Cao Jing Shu


  1. Fu ling pi (literally means the skin of fu ling) are those fu ling with dark brown skin. It is effective in ridding of skin edema. Normal dosage: 15~30 g.

  2. Chi fu ling is the light red variety. It is also called chi fu shen or zhu fu shen. It is used in treatment of damp-heat.

  3. Bai fu ling (literally means white fu ling) are  those after skin or chi fu ling being removed. Also called fu ling.

  4. Yun ling: because of those produced in Yun Nan are famous, thus usually fu ling is called yun ling. denoting it is produced in Yunnan. Yun refers to Yunnan province.

  5. Fu shen is the part around the root. Usually it is used as fu ling but considered as a stronger effect on calming emotion.



  1. 茯苓皮: 茯苓皮為茯苓 菌核的黑色外皮 。性味同茯苓,功專行皮膚水濕。多用於皮膚水腫。常用量:15~30 克。

  2. 赤茯苓:內部接近外皮處呈淡紅色者。亦稱朱伏神。用來治 濕熱

  3. 白茯苓: 除去外皮及赤茯苓後,內部白色的叫白茯苓,簡稱茯苓

  4. 雲苓:因雲南產的比較著名,故通常把茯苓叫雲茯苓或雲苓

  5. 茯神:苓塊中穿有細松根的叫茯神或抱木茯神。一般認為較有安神 作用。


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