Hordeolum (sty) 麥粒腫
Translated and Edited by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 按此看中文
External washing and steaming method: da huang 30 g, jin yin hua 30 g, gan cao 15 g, ju hua 15 g, bo he 30 g (packed separately, and put in after water is boiling during the last stage) Wash all herbs. Boil with water except bo he. After water is boiling drop in bo he. Turn off stove. Steam the affected eye(s) with the steam from the herbs, once a day, 5 minutes each time.
If the above method does not not solve the problem, use the following method: huang lian 30 g. Soak in water for one hour. Heat with high heat until boiling; then simmer till small amount. Use a clean brush to apply to the affected eye(s) lid. Do not let the solution contact the eyes if the equipments are not sterilized. Source or external treatment: Chen Junzhe
Make into decoction and use as tea.
2. Wind-heat syndrome:
Treatment: lower fever and address infection
Prescription: Make into decoction and use as tea. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
外用薰洗方: 用法
: 如果 還是不行,用一兩的 黃 蓮 ,泡水一小時,大火滾後小火慢慢熬,熬到極少的 量,去渣取汁,以乾淨的毛筆沾取藥 汁,塗 在眼皮外面,不是裡面的麥粒腫上, 沒事多塗幾次,不要太多汁流到眼睛,因為不是無菌處理, 要小 心。 以上外治方法來源﹕ 藥師.中醫師 陳俊哲
10克, Modern treatment Treatment of internal hordeola is using oral antibiotics which could include dicloxacillin 250mg PO Q6H, erythromycin or tetracycline 250mg PO QID or amoxacillin 500mg PO TID for 10 days. Cold compresses will help to suppress inflammation. Hot compress will help to ripen pus after pus is formed.
Note: TID = ter in die (three times a day) Q6H = every 6 Hours QID = quater in die (Four Times a Day) PO = by mouth (per Os) or orally Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌 所提供之廣告
Last update: Aug 6,2012; 6 p.m. LAH