Hypomenorrhoea 月經量少 (in English and Chinese 中英文) hypomenorrhea is the condition where the menstrual period is short usually lasts less than two days and the flow is scanty and light in color. The conditions can be classified into : 1. Deficient syndrome 虛 this condition is caused by jin and blood deficient (under nutrition and anemic) 2. Excess syndrome實 this condition is caused by blood stasis and phlegm - dampness (micro clots in blood and chronic infection) Chinese Herb Therapy 1. Blood deficient 血虛 Diagnostics: The amount of menstruation is very small and light in color with no clots. The patient has yellow and wilted complexion with pale lips, pale tongue, lustreless nails and skin, dizziness, palpitation, tenesmus lower abdomen , pink tongue with white coating, and thin pulse. Prescription: ren shen yang rong tang 人參養榮湯 bai shao 18 g, dang gui 15 g, chen pi 12 g, huang qi 30 g, rou gui 6 g, ren shen 15 g (boil first), bai zhu 15 g, zhi gan cao 9 g, shu di huang 15 g, wu wei zi 12 g, fu ling 15 g, yuan zhi 9 g, he shou wu 30 g, dan shen 30 g, ji xue teng 30 g, sheng jiang 6 g, da zao 7 pieces. Add 1000 c.c. of water. Simmer till 200 ~ 300 c.c. Make into 2 serving. Drink while warm. Adjustment: insomnia and palpitation add bai zi ren15 g, mai dong 12 g. Plus using over the counter item: ren shen jian pi wan one pill each time . Three times a day. 2. shenxu (kidney deficient) 腎虛型 The onset of menstruation is retarded. Mensus is delayed, dilute, light colored and scanty. The classical symptoms include lower back pain, weak knees, and tinnitus. If the kidney deficiency is accompanied by yang deficiency, the heels can be painful, cold sensation in the lower abdomen and cold limbs and cold lower back. The pulse can be deep, slow and small. Prescription: gui shen wan with adjustment shu di huang 15 g, shan yao 15 g, shan zhu yu 12 g, fu ling 15 g, dang gui 15 g, tu si zi 24 g, du zhong 30 g, gou qi zi 30 g, xian ling pi 30 g, rou gui 9 g. Add water 1000 c.c. and simmer till 300 c.c. is left. Make into 2 servings. One prescription per day. 月經量少 虛證 1. 血虛型 處方: 人參養榮湯 白芍18克﹐當歸15克﹐陳皮12克﹐黃耆30克﹐肉桂6克﹐人參15克(先煎)﹐白朮15克﹐炙甘草9克﹐熟地15克﹐五味子12克﹐茯苓15克﹐遠志9克﹐何首烏30克﹐丹 參30克﹐雞血藤 30克﹐生薑6克﹐大棗7枚。每日一劑。加水1000 毫升煎成200 至300 毫升。分二次溫服。 加減:
心悸﹐失眠者﹐加 2. 腎虛型 處方: 歸腎丸 加味 熟地 15克﹐山藥 15克﹐山茱 萸 12克﹐茯苓 15克﹐當歸15克﹐ 菟絲子24克﹐杜 仲 30克﹐枸杞子30克﹐仙靈脾30克﹐肉桂9克。 加水1000 毫升。煎成300 毫升。分二次服。每日一劑。
實證 1. Blood stasis 血淤型
2. Phlegm-dampness
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Last update: May 11, 2011; 10:55 a.m. LAH