xin jia
xiang ru yin 新加香薷飲
(in English
and Chinese 中英文)
by: Joe Hing kwok Chu
Name of Formula: xin jia xiang ru yin
Bing Tiao Bian)
Application: the body got chilled from cold wind
during the early stage of summer heat sickness with syndrome of fever
and chill, not sweating, agitated with red face, thirsty, tongue with
white fur, pulse waves are large on the right wrist and small on the
left wrist.
xiang ru 6
po 6
yin hua 9 g,fresh
bian dou hua 9 g
qiao 6 g.
Add 5 cups of water and simmer down to 2 cups. Drink
one cup while warm. Stop using after sweating. If no sweat after
drinking, drink another cup (warm). If still not sweating after the 2nd
cup. Make another dose and drink it again.
Comparing xiang ru yin
(xiang ru san) formula and xin jia xiang
ru yin:
Xiang ru yin and this formula xin jia xiang ru yin,
both are using the acrid warm herb of
xiang ru and
hou po to expel the summer heat and releasing
exterior and transform dampness.
But xiang ru yin
(xiang ru san) formula
is warm in characteristics. It is mainly being used in cold and dampness
syndrome, with chill and not sweating. The characteristics of xin jia
xiang ru yin is cold. It is mainly being used in summer heat sickness
with dampness,
although with chill but no sweat and with thirst red face. There is a
difference in usage of the two formulae
方名: 新加香薷飲
薷 6 克,厚
樸 6 克,,金銀花 9克,鮮扁豆花 9克
,連翹 6 克。:
樸 祛暑解表,散寒化濕。但香薷散
(香薷散) 藥性偏溫,主治暑令感寒夾濕之証,必見惡寒無汗者;而新加香薷飲則藥性偏涼,主治暑溫兼濕,雖亦惡寒無汗,但有口渴面赤。是當有別。