qing yan wan 青鹽丸 (in English and Chinese 中英文)
Name of Formula; qing yan wan (Halitum Pill) Application: for improving the system of the body and strengthening the muscles and bones.
yan Grind the above 5 items of herbs into powder. Chop one pair of pig kidneys into small pieces (remove fat and the white parts). Soak the herbs in rice wine. Simmer the pig kidneys with the wine and cook into a paste. Make into pills about the size of soy beans. Bake till dry. Take 50 pills each time with warm rice wine during empty stomach, or take with light salt water.
藥方名:青鹽丸《聖濟總錄》卷一八五: 功用:固丹田,壯筋骨。
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Last update: Dec 16, 2012; 10 p.m. LAH