Dian Kuang Ma Bao San 癲狂馬寶散 (in English and Chinese 中英文) Translated by: Joe Hing kwok Chu 朱興國編譯 按此看中文 Name of formula: diang kuang ma bao san Application: for treatment of madness, manic anxiety, delirium, mania caused by hot phlegm (symptoms include high fever, delirium, even epilepsy and resulting in mania), spitting saliva, talking without making sense, fright with insomnia, sometimes crying and sometimes laughing, schizophrenia.
ma bao 30 g,
hu po Grind all herb into fine powder. Bottle 1 g each. Dosage: take half bottle each time (0.5 g). If ilness is serious, take 1 bottle (1 g)
藥方名:癲狂馬寶散 功能主冶:鎮靜,豁痰,安神,定志。主神經錯亂, 狂躁不安。痰熱蒙蔽心竅,症見高熱、神昏、譫語,甚或痙厥等 引起的癲狂,口吐涎沫,神識不清,語言譫妄,瘋狂打鬧,煩躁不安,驚惕失眠,哭笑無常,及精神分裂症等。
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