Complementary and Alternative Healing
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 慢性疲勞综合症 Translated and edited by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu (in English and Chinese 中英文) For chronic fatigue syndrome with no apparent other physical or psychological diseases, or result from side effects of medication. See: Prescription: hong jing tian 20g,huang qi 20g,dang gui15g,dang shen 30g, bai zhu 15g,suan zao ren 12g,shi chang pu 10g,sha yuan zi 12g, shan zhu yu 10g,fu ling 15g .
One dosage per day. Boil with water. Simmer for 45 minutes and use as tea in the morning.
組治: 慢性疲勞 综合症而無其他病症者。 處方: 紅景天 20g,黃 耆 20g,當 歸 15g,黨 參 30g,生白 朮 15g, 酸棗仁 12g,石 菖蒲 10g,沙苑子 12g,山茱萸 10g,茯 苓 15g 。 水煎。每日一剤。
(來源: 中國中醫藥報)
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