bai zhu 白朮 (in English and Chinese 中英文) Translated and edited by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 朱興國編譯 cang zhu 蒼朮 Click to enlarge picture.
Pharmaceutical name: 英文藥名﹕ | Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae | Biological name: 拉丁植物學名﹕ | Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz Atractylodes ovata De Candolle | Pron. in Japanese: 日語發音﹕ | byakujutsu | Pron. in Korean: 韓語發音﹕ | paekch'ul | Pron. in Cantonese: 粵語發音﹕ | baak6 seot6 | Other Names: 別名﹕ | dong zhu | 冬 朮 | xia zhu | 夏 朮 | yun zhu | 雲朮 | tai bai zhu | 台 白朮 | wa zhu | 蛙 朮 | ji yan zhu | 雞 眼朮 | chi li qie | 吃力伽 | shan ji | 山薊 | shan jiang | 山薑 | shan lian | 山連 | shan jie | 山芥 | tian su | 天蘇 | tian jing | 山精 | tian ji | 天薊 | zhu | 朮 | yang bao | 楊抱 | bao ji | 抱薊 | ma ji | 馬薊 |
| Common Name: 英文普通名﹕ | Bighead atractylodes rhizome | Distribution: 分佈: | mainly produced in Zhejiang, Hubei, Hunan, Jianxi provinces of China. 主產於浙江,湖北,湖 南,江西等地。 | Properties (characteristics): 性味﹕ | aromatic, slightly acrid, non toxic and sweet. It is a little sticky when chewed. 甘, 略 甜﹐溫。無毒 。嚼之略黏。 | Channels (meridians) entered: 歸經﹕ | Related to spleen and stomach channels. 入脾﹐胃經。 | Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ | Traditionally, it is being used inpixu (spleen deficient) with lack of appetite, flatulence with diarrhea, abundance of phlegm, dizziness, palpitation, edema, instant sweating, and excessive fetus movements. for hardening of liver, liver cancer. In case of yinxu, use raw bai zhu plus other yin enhancing herbs according to diagnostics. (1) children drooling (2) Meniere's disease (3) constipation (4) chronic back pain (5) acute infection of intestine (6) low white cell count (8)
Stir-fried bai zhu is being used in improving digestive and for getting rid of yeast infection. Charred bai zhu is being used in helping digestion and appetite. Earth fried bai zhu is being used in improving digestion and arresting diarrhea. Bran fried bai zhu is suitable for those with weak digestion and with chronic diarrhea.
傳統上,用於用於脾 虛食少,腹脹泄瀉,痰飲眩悸,水腫 ,自汗,胎動不安。 現在臨床上常用於﹕ 炒白朮健 脾燥濕; 焦白朮助 消化,開胃氣; 土炒白朮補脾胃,止泄瀉; 麩炒白朮宜於脾胃虛弱,慢性腹瀉的病人。
| Medical Functions: 藥理﹕ | Medical Functions: 1. Digestive System (1) Protects Liver: Extraction of bai zhu (by boiling with water) was given to lab mice that had liver damage caused by carbon chloride. It lessened the necrosis and mutation of liver cells, and improved the new growth of the liver cells. It lowered the glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT) that was increased (2) Improves gall secretion (3) Prevents ulcer of stomach (4) Improves movements of intestines and bowels (5) gastroprotective on stomach mucus effect 2. Diuretics 3. Improves immune system 4. Anti Cancer Laboratory tests showed that neutral oil of the vaporizing oil bai zhu could inhibit esophagus cancer cells. 10mg/ml/hour could detach all the cancer cells. 5mg/ml/hour could detach most of the cancer cells and damaged the remaining cells. The nucleus became hazy and the cells became empty bubbles. 5. Affects heart and blood vessels 6. Lowers blood sugar 7. Anti coagulation of blood 8. Anti bacteria 對消化系統作用 ﹕(1)保肝作用﹕用白朮水煎劑給喂給氯化碳之小鼠,可以減輕肝臟壞死與 突變,改 善肝細胞的新的增長點。它降低增 高了的谷氨酸丙酮酸轉氨酶(GPT)(即ALT) (2) 增加膽汁分泌 (3) 防止胃潰瘍(4)促進腸胃蠢動。(2)增加膽汁分泌 。(3)防止潰瘍。(4)抗癌作用:(5)保護胃粘膜 排水 增強免疫系統 抗癌 對心血管作用﹕ 降低血糖 抗血凝 抗菌
| Chemical ingredients: 化學成分﹕ | The root contains about 1.4% of vaporizing oil: | 根莖含揮發油 大约1.4%: | humulene | α-及β-葎 草烯 | β-elemol | β-欖香醇 | α-curcumene | α姜黃烯 | atractlone | 蒼朮酮 | 3β-acetoxyatractylone | 3β-乙酰氧 基蒼朮酮 | selina- 4(15),7(11)-diene-8-one | 芹子二烯酮[ | eudesmol | 桉葉醇 | palmitic acid | 棕櫚酸 | hinesol | 茅朮醇 | β-selinene | β-芹子烯 | Sesquiterpene lactone compounds:[3] | 倍半萜內酯化 合物:[3] | atractylenolide)-Ⅰ,-Ⅱ,-Ⅲ | 白朮內酯 -Ⅰ,-Ⅱ,-Ⅲ | 8β-ethoxyatractylenolide-Ⅱ | 8β-乙氧基 蒼朮內酯-Ⅱ | polyacetylenes compounds: [4] | 多炔類化合物 :[4] | 14-acetyl-12-senecioyl-2E,8Z,10E- atracetylentriol | 14-乙酰基-12-千 裡光酰基-8-順式折朮三醇 | 14-acetyl-12-senecioyl-2E,8E,10E- atractylentriol | 14-乙酰基 各裡光酰基-8-反式白朮三醇 | 12-senecioyl-2E,8Z,10E- atracetylentriol | 12-千裡光 光酰基-8-順式白朮三醇 | 12-senecioyl-2E,8E,10E- atractylentriol | 12-千裡光 酰基-8-反式白朮三醇 | 12α-methyl butyryl-14-acetyl-2E,8Z,10E-atractylentriol | 12α-甲基 丁酰基-14-乙酰基-8-順式白朮三醇 | 12α-methylbutyryl-14-acetyl-2E,8E,10E-atractylentriol | 12α-甲基 丁酰基-14-乙酰基-8-反式白朮三醇 | 14α-methyl butyryl-2E,8Z,10E-atractylentriol | 14α-甲基 丁酰基-8-順式白朮三醇 | 14α-methyl butyryl-2E,8E,10E-atractylentriol | 14α-甲基 丁酰基-8-反式白朮三醇 | Also contains: | 另含 | scopoletin [3] | 東莨菪素 | fructose | 果糖 | mannan | 菊糖 | mannan the possess active immune characteristics | 具免疫活性的 甘露聚糖AM-3[6] | aspartic acid | 天冬氨酸 | serine | 絲氨酸 | glutamic acid | 穀氨酸 | alanine | 丙氨酸 | glycine | 甘氨酸 | valine | 纈氨酸 | isoleucine | 異亮氨酸 | leucine | 亮氨酸 | tyrosine | 酪氨酸 | phenylalanine | 苯丙氨酸 | lysine | 賴氨酸 | histidine | 組氨酸 | arginine | 精氨酸 | proline | 脯氨酸 |
| Dosage: 用量 ﹕ | 5 to 15 g. Concentrated extract: 05 to 2 g. 5 - 15 克 。 濃縮中藥:0.5~2 克 | Samples of formulae: 處方舉例﹕ | Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang, 半夏白朮天麻湯 Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang, 補中益氣湯 Gui Pi Tang, 歸脾湯 Huo xiang zheng qi san 藿香正氣散湯 Li zhong tang 理中湯 Si Jun Zi Tang, 四君子湯 Shi Quan Da Bu Tang, 十全大補湯 wu ling san 五苓 散 Xiao Yao Wan, 逍遙丸 Yu Ping Feng San, 玉屏風散 Zhen Wu Tang 真武湯 zhi dai fang 止帶方
| Modern Research: 現代研究﹕ | Gastro-intestinal mobility | Cautions: 禁忌﹕ | use caution in cases of yinxu (yin deficient) 陰虛者小心用之。 |
A report from Shanghai Donghua Hospital and others:
Using ai ye disinfection incense, (made by Shanghai Everyday Chemical Products), which consists of 30% of cang zhu powder and 20% of ai ye powder, smoking 4 hours, can kill off β-Hemolytic streptococcus- A group﹐pneumonococcus﹐Hemophilus Influenzae and Staphylococcus aureus etc. Smoking 8 hours can kill off Pseudomonas aeruginosa),and can inhibit the growth of Bacillus subtilis. 上海華東醫院等單位報導,用含艾葉的消毒香(上 海日用 化學品試制, 含 蒼朮粉30%,艾葉粉20%) 烟熏4小時能殺滅乙型溶血性鏈球菌A群 (β-Hemolytic streptococcus- A group)﹐ 肺炎 球菌 (pneumonococcus)﹐ 流感桿菌 (Hemophilus influenzae)和金黄色葡萄球菌 (Staphylococcus aureus)等 ,烟熏8小時能殺滅綠膿桿菌 (Pseudomonas aeruginosa)., 并能抑制枯草桿菌 (Bacillus subtilis)的生長。 Bibliography Note: cang zhu is being used often in ridding of fungal and bacterial infections. smoke of burning cang zhu is being used in space sterilizing of fungi in dwellings. =========================================== Experimental Study for Effects of Some Chinese Herbals on Gastrointestinal Motility ZHU Jinzhao LENG En-ren GUI Xian-yong CHEN Dong-feng. (Department of Digestion,Daping Hospital and Institute of Surgery Research, The Third Military Medical University,Chongqing 400042) Abstract: Objective: To study the effects of 10 Chinese herbals on gastrointestinal motility. Methods: The effects of each Chinese herbal on gastric emptying and intestinal propulsion of rats were investigated in vivo by measuring intro-gastric remainder rate and propulsive proportion of small intestine of dextran blue 2000.Results:The gastric emptying or intestinal propulsion was enhanced by these Chinese herbals (P<0.05 or 0.01),of these, both gastric emptying and intestinal propulsion in atractylodes macrocephala group were very marked higher than that of control (P<0.01).Conclusion:10 Chinese herbals have gastrointestinal motility promoting action, the best one is atractylodes macrocephala. Key words: Gastric emptying, Intestinal propulsion, Gastrointestinal motility, Atractylodes macrocephala, Agastache rugosa, Rats For complete article click here. Search this site Problems with website? Please Click here for comment. (Not for inquiry ) Click here for inquiry Copyright Notice 按此看關於版權問題Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌 所提供之廣告 |