Complementary and Alternative Healing
Diarrhea, chronic
Diarrhea that lasts for more than 2 weeks is considered persistent or chronic. Causes can be: I. infection:
II. not caused by an infection:
Click here if you are a health care professional. Sample of Chinese Herb Formulae Chronic diarrhea due to pixu (spleen deficient): Prescription: qian shi 20 g, lian zi 12 g, dang shen 15 g, bai zhu 12 g, fu ling 9 g. Grind into fine powder. Take 3 to 6 g each time, 2 to 3 times a day.
處方﹕ 芡實20克﹐蓮子12克﹐黨參15克﹐白朮12克﹐茯苓9克。共研細末。每日服二至三次。每次三至六克。
Formula 2: ai ye 7.5 g, sheng jiang 11g, chen pi 4 g. Boil with water and reduce to a thick extract. Take orally while warm. In Chinese 水兩碗半,煎 八分。溫服。 注意:艾葉有毒。不可多下。陰虛有熱者須小心。
Caution about ai ye: use caution in case of yin deficiency or heat in blood. The effective ingredient is the volatile oil and it is the toxic ingredient which can cause inflammation of the skin mucus. When taken orally can cause irritation of the of the digestive tract. After absolving, it can arrive at the liver and can obstruct the metabolism of the liver and can cause jaundice type of hepatitis. Its effect toward the central nervous system is prominent. In toxic reaction, the central nervous system becomes over active and can induce seizure. Because of the changes of the reflex of the nerves, it can damage the walls of blood vessels and causes hyperemia (increase of blood flow to the part of body) of the uterus and causes bleeding. Toxic range is 20 ~ 30 g if taken orally.
Also see chronic morning diarrhea See Chinese Herb Dictionary for Latin botanical names.
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