san piao xiao san 桑螵蛸散
Name of Formula: sang piao xiao san
Application: frequent urination, enuresis of children, insomnia, cloudy urine, lack of mental concentration, forgetfulness, diabetes insipidus, enuresis during pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, enuresis, spermatorrhea, light color tongue with white fur, thin and weak pulse, uterus prolapse.
composition: sang piao xiao 9 g,yuan zhi 6 g,shi chuang pu 6 g,long gu15 g,ren shen 9 g,fu shen 12 g,dang gui 9 g,bie jia 15 g。
Boil with water and take orally.
主 治:小便頻數,小兒遺尿,失眠 ,尿如米泔,心神恍惚,健忘,尿崩症,妊娠小便失禁 ,糖尿病,遺精,舌淡苔白,脈細弱,子宮脫垂。
成:桑螵蛸 9 g,
遠志 6 g,
石菖蒲 6 g,龍骨15 g,
水 煎服。
加 减: 1.遺
禁忌:若下焦火盛或濕熱(尿道感染)而致遺尿失精,不宜使用本 方 。
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Last update: July 14, 2013; 4:42 p.m. LAH