lu fan, zao fan, qing fan
by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu
(in English and Chinese 中英文)
Pharmaceutical name:
英文藥名﹕ |
ferrous sulfate heptahydrate |
Chemical name:
化學名﹕ |
ferrous sulfate heptahydrate (FeSO4.7H2O )
硫酸亞鐵 (FeSO4.7H2O ) |
Pron. in Japanese:
日語發音 ﹕ |
ryosan dai ichi tetsu (硫酸第一鉄) |
Pron. in Korean:
韓語發音 ﹕ |
joban (皂礬, literally: black alum);nogban (綠礬, literally: green alum);cheongban (靑礬, literally green (darker) alum). |
Pron. in Cantonese:
粵音﹕ |
luk6 faan6,zou6 faan6,cing1 faan6. |
Other Names:
別名﹕ |
shui lu fan |
水綠礬 |
lu fan |
綠礬 |
qing fan |
青礬 |
jiang fan |
絳礬 |
英文別名: |
ferrous sulphate, ferrous sulfate, green vitriol, iron vitriol, mol-iron, iron sulfate, iron sulfate, iron protosulfate, haemofort, ironate, irosul, mol-iron, presfersul |
Common Name:
英文名﹕ |
Melanterite. It was named in 1850 from the Greek word for "copperas," meaning ferrous sulfate. [1] |
產地﹕ |
Mainly produced in Shandong, Hunan, Gansu, Xinjiang, Shaanxi, Anhui, Zhejiang, Henan provinces of China.
產山東、湖南、甘肅、新疆、陝西、安徽、浙江、河南等地。 |
性味﹕ |
sour, cool, toxic.
酸 ,涼,有毒。 |
Channels (meridians) entered:
歸經﹕ |
liver, spleen.
肝﹐脾經。 |
Medical functions:
藥理﹕ | |
Actions & Indications:
主治﹕ |
Actions & Indications: -
Rid of toxins and dampness: being used externally on boils, skin ulcers, skin fungal infection .
As tonic and rid of parasites: being used in edema due to deficiency; parasites and pain in the abdomen.
主治﹕ -
Chemical ingredients:
化學成份﹕ |
The naturally occurring zao fan is mainly FeSO 4 7H 2 O. Because of location of the mine, it may contain various amount of impurities, like copper, aluminum, magnesium and zinc etc.
天然綠礬主要含硫酸亞鐵 (FeSO 4 7H 2 O),因產地不同,常含或多或少的銅、鋁、鎂、鋅等夾雜物。 |
用 量﹕ |
Internal use: 0.8 to 1.6 g, each time. Bake and make into pill or powder form.
外用適量,翳膜撒或调敷,或為溶液塗洗。 |
Samples of formulae:
處方舉 例﹕ |
For leukemia therapy: dan fan san 蛋 礬散
For Iron Deficiency Anemia in Pregnancy 懷孕期缺鐵性貧血
For anemia caused by kidney failure: zao fan 200 g, da zao (pitted) 500 g, wheat flour (stir fry) 400 g, cloves 10 g, honey 200 g. Mix well and make into pills about the size of peas. Take 10 to 15 pills each time, twice a day. (source: Chronic Nephritis Prevention and Treatment, Chinese and Western Methods)
腎臟性貧血﹕皂矾(黑矾)200克,大 棗肉500克。炒熟薺麥麵400克,公丁香10克,蜂蜜200克,制成如豌豆大丸,每次10--15粒,每日服两次。<<慢性肾 炎中西 医防治>> |
Modern Research:
現代研究﹕ | |
禁忌﹕ |
Sometimes, when taken internally, it may cause vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness. Not to be used by those with bleeding ulcer within the past 3 months. Not to be taken by pregnant women. While taking this herb, do not use tea. Large dosage can cause death.
內服有時能引起嘔吐﹐腹痛﹐腹瀉﹐ 頭暈。胃病患者﹐在三個月內有嘔血史者不宜服用。胃弱或孕婦慎用。服用期間忌飲茶。大 剤量 能致命。 |
The color of zao fan is green or greenish black crystal. The early usage was for dyeing black, so it has been called zao (black) fan. After heating in high heat it becomes Fe2O3 , which is very fine and with very active characteristics.
皂礬又 名綠礬,青礬,因最早用於染黑,所以也叫皂礬,為綠色結晶物.
青礬經煅燒 後,分解成粒度非常細而活性又很強的 Fe2O3。
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