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yi yi ren tang 薏苡仁湯
by: Joe Hing kwok Chu 按此看中文
Name of Formula: yi yi ren tang
Pain, distention and swelling of the joints and limbs, pain of lower part of body, below the waist , abscess in intestine or in breast.
Being used in semi acute and chronic rheumatoid arthritis and with good
results. For acute cases use
ma xing yin gan
tang . When it symptoms start to subside and start to develop into chronic state, it is more appropriate to use gui zhi shao yao zhi mu tang or shu jin li
an san. This formula is more frequently used when the patients are still able to walk on their own.
yi yi ren 30 g, dang gui 12 g, shao yao 12g, gui zhi 12 g,, ma huang 6 g, cang zhu 8 g, gan cao 6 g, sheng jiang 6 g.
Boil with water. Drink while warm. Take before and after meals.
Another Formula:
For treatment of chronic arthritis, weakness and shot of breath, consumption, coughing and spitting phlegm, gu zheng and sweating absentminded, lack of appetite, spermatorrhea.
Prescription: song ren 1 portion, mai dong (do not remove cores) 2 portions, jin yin zi, gou qi zi,
Cook with water and render into paste. Add refined honey as preservative.
Dosage: Take about 10 to 20 table spoonful with drinking water every morning and evening.
Another Formula:
Application: chronic arthritis, weakness and short of breath, coughing with phlegm, progressive heat consumption with sweating, absentminded, lack of appetite, spermatorrhea.
Prescription: song ren 1 portion, mai dong (do not remove cores) 2 portions, jin yin zi 1 portion, gou qi zi 1 portion.
Cook with water and render into paste. Add refined honey as preservative.
Dosage: Take about 10 to 20 table spoonful with drinking water every morning and evening.
薏苡仁 八錢,當歸三錢,芍藥三錢,桂枝三錢,麻黃 錢半,蒼朮二錢,甘草二錢,生薑二錢.
治風痺寒氣(慢性關節炎),虛羸少氣,及五臟勞傷,咳嗽吐痰,骨蒸盜汗,心神恍惚,飲食不甘,遺精滑泄:松仁八兩,麥冬(不去心)一斤,金櫻子、枸杞子 各八兩,熬膏,少加煉蜜收。每早晚白湯調服十餘茶匙。(蘇軾)