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tian wang bu xin dan 天王補心丹 (in English and Chinese 中英文)Compiled and edited by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 按此看中文。 Name of Formula: Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan (she shen mi po) Symptoms: yinxu (yin deficient), anemic, palpitation, restless, restless sleep, tired, amnesia, spermatorrhea in dream, brain get tired easily, dry stool, boils in mouth and/or tongue, red tongue, and thin pulse.. Modern day usage: neurocirculatory asthenia Composition: sheng di huang 120g, wu wei zi , dang gui, tian dong, mai dong, bai zi ren, suan zao ren, 30 g each, ren shen, xuan shen , dan shen, bai fu ling, yuan zhi, jie geng 15 g each. Grind into fine powder and make into pill with refined honey. Take 9 g each time with warm drinking water. Three times per day. Note: original formula contains zhu sha (mercury sulfide -- HgS), which can be toxic. Now, it is not being used. Neurocirculatory asthenia: A syndrome characterized by increased susceptibility to fatigue, dyspnea (short of breath), rapid pulse, chest pain, and anxiety. it is also called DaCosta's syndrome, effort syndrome, irritable heart, soldier's heart. (Source: American Heritage Dictionary) 藥方名:天 王補心丹 (藥方來源:《攝生秘剖》 生地黄 120克, 五味子, 當歸 ,天門冬, 麥
冬, 柏子仁, 酸 枣仁,各 30 克, 人参, 玄参, 丹参, 白茯苓, 遠志 , 桔梗, 各15 克。 註:原方用朱砂為衣。現 已經不用。 治神經性血循衰弱症《 新用薈萃》 心臟神經官能症是以心血管,呼吸和神經系統症狀為主要表現的臨床綜合征,臨床和病理方面均無器質性病變。本症也稱為神經性血循衰弱症,DaCosta Syndrome,焦慮性神經官能症等。 天王補新丹口服。每次10 ~ 15 克。於早,中,晚,飯前和睡前各服一次。繼續服一個月為一療程。
治陽痿 內服天王補心丹,每次服2丸(18克),早晚各服1次,用溫開水送下。20天為1個療程,連續服至症狀消失後停藥。經臨床觀察,用藥1-3個療程後的總有 效率為96.6%。
【注意事項】脾胃虛寒,胃納欠佳,痰濕留滯者,均 不宜服用。可引起藥疹,
按語:神經性血循衰弱症乃常見之心血管功能 失調之一。屬於中醫稱為心悸,怔仲之病症。
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