Complementary and Alternative
Healing University
tao ren tang 桃仁湯 (in English and Chinese 中英文)
Name of Formula: tao ren tang Application: removing blood stasis. Composition: tao ren 12 g, su mu 12 g, sheng di huang 6 g, meng chong (remove legs and wings, stir fry) 30 pieces, shui zhi 30 (stir fry) Make into decoction with water. Use as tea. Warning: Do not use if patient is on blood thinning drugs like warfarin or heparin. Do not use this formula unless you are well trained and experienced in diagnostics. 主治﹕ 去 血淤 桃仁,蘇木,各三錢。生地黃 錢半。虻蟲 去足翅炒,水蛭炒,各三十個。 水煎服。 注意﹕不可與抗凝血藥如﹕warfarin (苯甲香豆醇鈉) ﹐heparin (肝素)等同用。沒有淤血者不可用。除非有豐富診斷之經驗﹐不可隨意用此方。
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