Sì bái(ST2)四白穴
(in English
and Chinese 中英文)
by: Joe Hing kwok Chu 朱興國編譯
sì bái point (ST2)
Location: on the face, straight down from the
pupil, infraorbital foramen depression.
Anatomy: in at the infraorbital foramen, between
the orbicularis muscle and the upper lip side muscle. There are facial
arteries and vein branches, infraorbital artery branches, veins branches.
It is at the infraorbital nerve.
Application: itching red eyes, cataract , eyelids
(head intercalated) involuntary movements, droopy eyes and mouth,
headache, dizziness
trigeminal neuralgia..
四白穴 Sì bái(ST2)
取穴方法: 四白穴位於人體面部,瞳孔直下,當眶下孔凹陷處。
解剖: 在眶下孔處,當眼輪匝肌和上唇方肌之間;有臉部動脈,靜脈分支,眶下動,靜脈有面神經分支,當眶下神經處。
主治: 目赤痛痒,目翳,眼瞼(目閏)動,口眼歪斜,頭痛眩暈,臉部神經麻痺。