Complementary and Alternative Healing
Sample of Echo Cardiography Reports and Qiz
Edited by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu (This is a partial photo copy of an actual report.) Report #1, page 1
Medical Application of Qigong Lecture #1 Teacher: Joe Hing Kwok Chu Quiz (for my students who have attended my Continuing Education Credit class for licensed acupuncturists offered by American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of San Francisco, California in cooperation with the Qigong Institute, Menlo Park, California): (1) Is there any mistake in this report? (2) If there is, what is it? Please correct any mistake(s) you can find. (3) What do you do want to find out from this patient? (4) What do you think is wrong with this patient? (5) What qigong therapy should be used? (6) What herbal formulae do you think are appropriate? If you fail to answer the above questions, it can be because the instructor failed to communicate or failed to use the time allocated efficiently in the lecture. It will not affect the benefit of learning and practising qigong.
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Last update: Sept 20, 2013; 11 p.m. LAH