Pharmaceutical name: 英文藥名﹕ |
Semen Sterculiae Scaphigerae |
Botanical name: 學名﹕ |
Sterculia scaphigera Wall.;
Sterculia lychnophora Hance |
Pron. in Japanese: 日語發音﹕ |
bantaikai |
Pron. in Korean: 韓語發音﹕ |
pandaehae |
Pron. in Cantonese: 粵音﹕ |
pun4 daai6 hoi2 |
Other Names: 別名﹕ |
an nan zi 安南子 |
Common Name: 英文名﹕ |
boat sterculia seed |
Distribution: 產地﹕ |
mainly in Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, India and Guangdong province, Hainan province of China.
主產於泰國、柬埔寨、馬來西亞、印度尼西亞、越南、印度等國,及中國的 廣東、海南島等地。 |
Properties (characteristics)﹕ 性味﹕ |
sweet, cold
甘,寒。 |
Channels (meridians) entered: 歸經﹕ |
large intestine, lung
肺,大腸。 |
Medical functions:
藥理﹕ | -
constricting the smooth muscles of blood vessels -
improving the inflammation of the mucous -
lessening the spastic pain -
the water extract of pang da hai can promote the movement of the intestine and create a mild laxative effect. The effect of the seed is the strongest. -
inhibiting the forming of oxalate [1].
胖大海素對血管平滑肌有收縮作用, -
能改善粘膜炎症, -
減輕痙攣性疼痛。 -
水浸液具有促進腸蠕動,有緩瀉作用,以種仁作用最強。 -
Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ |
acute conjunctivitis, dry coughs, pain in the throat, coarse voice, vomiting blood, nose bleeding, dry and hard stool, hemorrhoids, heat type of tooth ache
時行赤眼, 乾咳, 喉嚨痛, 音啞, 吐血, 衄血, 大便燥結, 痔瘡, 風火牙痛。 |
Chemical ingredients: 化學成份﹕ |
bassorin |
西黄蓍胶粘素 |
sterculin |
胖大海素 |
arabinose |
阿拉伯糖 |
galactose |
半乳糖 |
Galacturonic acid |
半乳糖醛酸 |
galactose acetic acid |
半乳糖乙酸 |
Dosage: 用 量﹕ |
3 to 5 pieces
3-5 枚 |
Samples of formulae: 處方舉例﹕ |
voice with heat, dry cough without phlegm, or constipation with heat,
headache with pink eyes :
Pang dai
hai 2 -3 pieces soak with boiling water or make into decoction. Use as
處方:胖大海 2~3枚,沸水泡服或煎服。 |
Modern Research: 現代研究﹕ |
Patients with chronic pharyngitis were randomly divided into two groups: observation group (112 cases) and control group (70 cases). The observation group were treated with pang da hai tea. The control group were treated with amoxicillin.
The results:
observation group: obviously effective was 20.5%.; effective was 69.6%; ineffective was 9.8%. In the control group, it was 11.4%, 34.3%, 54.3%. The results show that the pang da hai treatment of chronic laryngitis is effective [1].
慢性咽喉炎的患者隨機分為觀察組(112例)和對照組(70例),觀察組服用胖大海清涼潤喉泡劑,對照組服用阿莫西林,結果觀察組的顯效率20.5%,有效率69.6%,無效率9.8%,對照組分別為11.4%、34.3%、54.3%。結果表明胖大海清涼潤喉泡劑治療慢性咽喉炎療效好 [1]。 |
Toxicity & Cautions:
毒素與禁忌﹕ |
Not to use in cases of abundance of thin clear phlegm, asthma with cough or
pixu (spleen deficient) syndrome of thick, fat tongue with slippery, oily fur, and loose stool.
Long term usage can cause
pixu (spleen deficient) with loose stool, lack of appetite, emaciation. Large dosage may be toxic to the kidneys.
虛,大便稀薄、飲食減少、胸悶、消瘦等。大劑量可能對腎臟有毒。 |