Clinical Reports 臨床報道 |
Clinical Reports 1. treatment of Bell's palsy ma qian zi 3.6 g, cut into 19 to 24 slices and arranged on medical plaster tape. Applied to affect areas. (applied to left sides if tilted to right and reverse). After 7 to 10 days, new ones were applied till normal. Usually in mild cases two applications were sufficient. Treated 15,000 patients. Effective rate was 80%
2. treatment of myasthenia gravis; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Soak ma qian zi in water for 10~14 days, and de-skin. (in winter, use lukewarm water; in summer use cold water). After that puts in boiling peanut oil. Cook in low heat for approximately 30 minutes until brown and crispy (when roll under a jar on the hard surface, the seed should crumble easily) . After taking out,
mix in the talcum powder to absorb the oil. After h for 10~14 hours to screen out talcum powder and flush with clear water. After drying, grind it into powder and it is ready to use. .Starts with a small amount of 1.5 fen (分)per day and make into 3 serving (0.5 fen 分) per dose. Gradually increase the to 3.2 fen to 4 fen (分) per day. Note: one fen equal to 0.3 gram (new measurement). e.g. 1.5 fen is 0.45 gram. Caution: this herb is extremely toxic. Use it under expert supervision of experienced Chinese herb doctors.. 3. treatment of tuberculosis (method to be loaded) 4. treatment of cervical erosion (external application method to be loaded)
按此看臨床報道 |
Pharmaceutical name:
英文藥名﹕ | Semen Strychni |
Botanical name:
學名﹕ |
Strychnos nux-vomica Linn. (馬錢子) Strychnos pierriana A.W.Hil
(雲南馬錢子) |
Pron. in Japanese:
日語發音 ﹕ | bsenshi |
Pron. in Korean:
韓語發音 ﹕ | majonja |
Pron. in Cantonese:
粵音﹕ | maa5
cin4 zi2 |
Other Names:
別名﹕ | fan mu bie 番木鳖,
ku shi ba dou er 苦實把豆兒(《飛鴻集》),
huo shi ke ba du 火失刻把都(《綱目》),
ku shi 苦實(《本草原始》),
ma qian 馬前,niu yin 牛銀(《本草求原》)
ba da fang 大方八(《中藥材手冊》) |
Common Name:
英文名﹕ | Brechnusssamen, Poison Nut, Quaker Buttons, Strychni Semen, Strychnos Seed. Strychnos nux-vomica. |
產地﹕ | Main production areas: India, Vietnam (southern), Thailand Cambodia , Lao PDR, Malaysia (northern peninsular), Myanmar , Philippines (introduced and locally naturalized in Mindoro ).. Also found in Bangladesh , and Sri Lanka . Main production area of Yunnan ma qian zi: Yunnan province of China
也有發現。雲南馬錢子主產地為雲南省。 |
性味﹕ | bitter, cold, very toxic. 味苦,寒 ,大毒。 |
Channels (meridians) entered:
歸經﹕ | liver, spleen 肝﹐脾 |
Medical functions:
藥理﹕ | 1. effect on CNS: small amount of strychnine stimulates and large amount induces seizures. It is rapidly absorbed after oral administration and caused spinal reflexes and stimulates the respiratory and motion centers 2. effect on digestive system: strychnine does not have effect on the smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines but its bitterness can induce the the secretion of stomach. 3. effect on respiration system: the effect of brucine is 1/8 of that of strychnine. It can inhibit cough of mice, caused by ammonia solution or sulfur dioxide and its effect surpasses that of codeine. Oral administration is more obvious that abdomen cavity injection. It also possesses the effect of phlegm expectorant. Its effect on suppressing asthma is weak but it can enhance the effect of anti histamine of rabbit if the duration of drug application is longer and amount is larger. 4. other effects: ma qian zi possesses the effect of curare (arrow poison). It can inhibit the growth of bacteria in test tubes. Some varieties of ma qian zi produced in Africa possesses muscle relaxing effect. 5. toxic effect: In early stages there is sensation of spasm of the jaw and neck muscles, difficulty in swallowing, the whole body is uncomfortable, then extreme contraction of the muscles and tetany. 1. 對中樞神經系統的作用: 種子中的生物鹼士的寧(番木鱉鹼),口服後很快吸收而起作用,首先 興奮脊髓的反射機能,其次興奮延髓中的呼吸中樞中樞及血管運動中樞,井提高大腦皮質感覺中樞(皮質分析器)的機能。大劑量引起驚厥。 2. 對消化系統的作用: 用病人腸痿管直接測驗證明,士的寧對人體胃腸平滑肌沒有興 奮作用,對消化道的唯一作用,是由於它的苦味,反射地增加胃的分泌。 3. 對呼吸系統的影響: 馬錢子鹼的作用為士的寧的1/8,據報道它對氨水及SO2 引圯的小鼠與咳嗽,有較強的鎮咳作用,超強度過可待因,口服較腹腔注射作用顯著。另有袪痰作用(小白鼠酚紅法),止喘作用弱,如用藥時間延長,用 量增加時,能加強家兔抗組織胺的作用。 4. 其他作用: 馬錢子鹼有箭毒樣作用,對某些細菌,在試管內有抑制作用。非洲產多種馬錢屬植物 ,其中有些也具有肌肉松弛作用。 5. 毒性: 中毒者初有嚼肌及頸部肌抽筋感,咽下困難,全身不安,煞後伸肌與屈肌同時極度收縮而 出現強直性驚厥。可用乙醚作輕度麻醉或用用比妥類藥物靜脈注射以抑制驚厥,另用高錳酸鈾洗胃。 |
Actions & Indications:
主治﹕ | - rheumatoid arthritis,
- injuries,
- boils and swellings,
- sequelae from polio of children,
- impotence,
- for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
- organic and functional disorders of the heart and circulatory system,
glycine encephalopathy,
- nervous conditions,
- myasthenia gravis; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
- cancer
- depression,
- menopausal syndromes,
- facial neuralgias
- Raynaud's syndromes.
散血熱,消腫,止痛。治咽喉痺痛,癰疽腫毒,風痺疼痛,骨折﹐甘氨酸腦病﹐臉神經麻痺,重症肌無力 ﹐偏頭痛﹐ 女性更年期症候群﹐雷諾氏病 。 |
Chemical ingredients:
化學成份﹕ |
含總生物碱2~5%.主要為 Total alkaloids: 番木鳖碱 即土的寧(Strychnine,C21H22O2N2,),1—1.4%左 右, 馬錢子碱 (brucine,C23H26O4N2)1-1.4%左 右, 微量的 minute amount of 番木鳖次碱 ( vomicine), 偽番木鳖碱(pseudostrychnine), 偽馬錢子碱(pseudobrucine), a-及 β-可鲁勃林 (a-Colubrine﹐ β-Colubrine)等。
其他 Other: 番木鳖甙 (loganin,C17H26O10), 綠原酸 (chlorogenic acid ) 棕榈酸 (palmitic acid C 16 H 32 O 2 ) 脂肪油 (fat) 蛋白質 (protein) 多糖等 (polysaccharides)
云南馬錢種子含 Yunnan ma qian zi contains 生物碱 (alkaloids) 2.18%, 番木鳖碱 (strychnine)1.33%, 馬錢子碱 (Brucine,C23H26O4N2)。 |
用量﹕ | 0.3 to 0.6 g. (do not exceed commonly used dosage) 0.3~0.6g。(毒性大,須嚴格控制用量。) |
Samples of formulae
:處方舉例﹕ | See
clinical reports 看臨床報告。 |
Modern Research:
現代研究﹕ | |
Toxicity & Cautions:
毒素與禁忌﹕ | It is very toxic. Do not overdose. Overdoses have been recorded with as little as 60 mg. Symptoms of toxicity: toxic effect: In early stages there is sensation of spasm of the jaw and neck muscles, difficulty in swallowing, the whole body is uncomfortable, then extreme contraction of the muscles and tetany. Antidote: use ethyl ether to induce mild anaesthesia, or use barbiturate type of medication in venous injection to inhibit epilepsy and use potassium permanganate for stomach lavage. 毒性大,須嚴格控制用量。 有報告中毒劑量有低至六十毫克者。 若中毒可用乙醚作輕度麻醉或用巴比妥 類藥物靜脈注射以抑制驚厥,另用高錳酸鉀洗胃。 |