Distribution: 產地﹕ | Beijing, Jiang su, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Guangdong, Fujian, Yunan provinces of China. It was originally produced in Brasil. During the invasion of China by Japanese army during 1930's, it was introduced into China as feed for horses. During the 1950's it was introduced into the some of the southern provinces of China as feed for pigs. Later it was introduced into the Yangtse River valley and other southern areas. It has become one of the worst weeds because of its invasiveness, potential for spreading, economic and environmental impacts. It invades both land and water, and is very hard to control and the fermentation of the dead plants is poisonous to fishes.. 分佈在北京,江蘇,浙江,江西,湖南,湖南,四川,陝西,廣東,福建,雲南等省。 空心蓮子草原產巴西。20世纪30年代末随日軍侵 華引種至中國,起先在上海郊區栽培用作養馬飼料。20世纪50年代,中南方一些省市将其作為猪羊飼料推廣,随後又被進一步引入長江流域及南方各省。該草已成為惡性雜草,在23個省市有發生。 其適應性﹐生命力强,生長繁殖迅速,已分佈於多個省份,造成了相當程度的生態破壞和生物污染,致使農業生物多樣性 喪失,導致生態災害并影响人們健康。 其腐敗植物導致池魚大量死亡。 |