Pharmaceutical name: | Herba seu flos schizonepetae tenuifoliae |
Biological name: | Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq. Nepeta japonica, Maxim |
Pron. in Japanese: | keigai |
Pron. in Korean: 韓語發音: | hyongkae |
Pron. in Cantonese: 粤語發音: | ging1 gaai3 |
Common Name: | shizonepeta |
Other Names: 別名﹕ | hei jing jie, jing jie hui, jing jie tan (tan means charcoal). Original name is Jia su. 黑荊芥,荊芥穗,荊芥炭。原名假蘇 |
Distribution: 分佈: | Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Henan, Hebei, Shandong provinces of China. 江蘇,浙江,河南,河北,山東等省。 |
Properties (characteristics): 性味: | acrid, slightly warm, fragrant 辛,微温,香。 |
Channels (meridians) entered: | lung, liver 肺,肝。 |
Actions & Indications: 主治: | expels winds and release toxin through sweating, as antipyretic. For infection in boils and carbuncles, arresting bleeding, treating influenza and cold, fever, headache, swollen and painful throat, and many types of bleeding illnesses, early stages of measles and itchy skin eruptions. Charred jing jie can be used for arresting bleeding. 袪風解表、散熱止痛的醫療作用,用於治療疥瘡,止血,風寒感冒、發熱、頭痛、咽喉腫痛及多種出血症,麻疹初發,皮膚發癢。荊芥炒炭入藥,有止血之功。 |
Medical Function: 藥理﹕ | anti bacteria suppression of pain antipyretic anti-inflammatory enhances immune system stops bleeding anti oxygenation
抗菌 止痛 解熱 消炎 增強免疫系統 止血 抗氧化作用
Chemical ingredients: 化學成份﹕ | The whole plant contains evaporating oil of about 1.3%. The mature sprig contains about 4.11%. The evaporating oil mainly consists of 42.9% of d-menthone, 33.9% of dl - menthone and l-pulegone, α - pinene , β - humulene, and small amount of d-limonene. Schizonepetoside A and B
据醫科院藥物所测定全草含揮發油約1.3%,穗含揮發油約4.11%。油中主成分為右旋薄荷酮(d-menthone)約 42.9%﹐消旋薄荷酮 ( dl - Menthone) ﹐左旋胡薄荷酮(l-pulegone)約 33.9%﹐ 蒎烯( α - pinene ) , β - 葎草烯( β - Humulene) 及少量右旋檸檬烯(d-limonene)。 荆芥甙 (Schizonepetoside)A及B。
Dosage: | 3 to 9 grams |
Samples of formulae: | Pink eye (viral infection);病毒性眼睛結膜炎 Also see below. |
Modern Applications: | 1. For treating measles and other skin diseases: Use jing jie 40 g. Grind into fine powder and strain.
Put into cheese cloth bags. Spread on affected skin and squeeze evenly (massage) till skin is warm. Mild cases effective in 1 to 2 times of application. Serious case effective in 2 to 4 times of application. [1] 2. For dizziness after child birth: Use jing jie 31 g. Stir fry till brown in color. Use 6 g each time with added tong bian (child urine) 38 g. Result: 25 patients. Healed 18. Became better 5. Ineffective: 2 [2] |
Cautions: 注意: | There are report on allergic reactions. [3] 有過敏反應的報導。
病人表虛有汗者忌之;血虛寒熱而不因於風濕風寒者勿用;陰虛火炎面赤,因而頭痛者,慎匆誤入。 《本草經疏》 |