and Alternative Healing University
hesperidin 橙皮甙 (in English and Chinese 中英文) by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 朱興 國編譯 按此看中文 Hesperidin Hesperidin belongs to the vitamin P family type of drug. It can lower the fragility of the blood vessels and being used as adjuvant treatment of hypertension. 英文同義詞: cirantin; usafcf-3;
Cirontin; Vitamin P; Hespeidin; NSC 44184; hesperidin; hespiridin;
neobiletin; hesperiden 橙皮甙是屬於維生素P類藥物,能降低毛細管的脆性,用於高血壓病的輔助治療 。 See: Problems with website? Please Click here for comment. (Not for inquiry )
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Last update: Oct 4, 2013; 12:25 a.m. LAH