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Diarrhea, acute infection 急性腹瀉 Name of formula: zhi xie tang (Stopping Diarrhea Drink) For acute bacterial infection Prescription: chuan xin lian 12 g, yu xing cao 12 g, huang bai 6 g. Soak all herbs with cold water for 15 to 30 minutes. First boil chuan xin lian,and huang bai with 800 c.c. of water. Simmer for till 500 c.c. Add yu xing cao during the last 5 minutes. Make into 3 servings. Serve while warm. One prescription per day. Editor's note: yu xing cao contains evaporating oil and should not be heated too long. Effectiveness: number of patients : 80 number healed: 76 percentage of healed: 95% body temperature returned to normal: 1.7 days frequency of defecations returned to normal: 4.3 days pain gone on average: 3.9 days blood and pus gone on average: 4 days fecal exam normal on average: 4.3 days Source of formula: Liberation Army #5379 Hospital , China. 方名:止瀉方
加水 800 c.c. 先煎穿心蓮和黃
柏 。煎至
500 c.c. 最後5分鐘,加入魚腥草。(魚腥草含揮發油。不耐久煎)。
來源:解放軍 5379 部隊醫院。 藿香正氣散加減治非特異性急性腸炎 急性腸炎《廣東中醫》(1960;9:442):藿香正氣散加減治非特異性急性腸炎30例,西醫30例對比組(足量磺胺類Sulfonamides (SAs)、碳酸鈣等腸道收斂劑及顛茄酊Belladonna 等止疼劑)。7例輕微發熱,熱度在37-38℃之間。多數輕度腹疼,疼痛多在臍周圍,伴腸鳴。腹瀉晝夜4-8次。糞量較多是粥狀或水樣,淡黃色或有泡沫(部分病者糞中混有粘液,但無膿、無血)。無裡急後重感。腹部稍鼓脹,有輕度壓疼,腸鳴音亢進。