Complementary and Alternative
Healing University
dang gui bei mu ku shen wan 當歸貝母苦參丸(in English and Chinese 中英文)Translated by: Joe Hing kwok Chu 朱興國編譯 按此看中文 N Other name: ku shen wan Indications: urination difficult during pregnancy, diet as before. Urination not smooth, or astringent, or pain when you urinate, dark, yellow red urine, anxiety. Also for treatment of dry stools and constipation and hemorrhoids in pregnant women, caused by Heat in large intestine. men.
gui, bei
mu, ku shen
Adjustment: for men, add
shi Make into fine powder and mix with refined honey and make into little pills, size of peas. Take 3 pills with cook rice water. Gradually increase to 10 pills.
【別名】 苦參丸(《三因極一病証方論》卷十六)。
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