Complementary and Alternative Healing University
See more menu at the bottom of page xiao yao san 逍遙散 (in English and Chinese 中英文) dan zhi xiao yao san 丹梔逍遙散 xiao yao wan 逍遙丸 Translated by: Joe Hing kwok Chu 按此看中文。 Name of formula: xiao yao san (Source of formula: Tai Ping Hui min He Ju Ju Fang) Application: for neurasthenia, insomnia, pneumonia, catarrh, early stage of TB, infertility, menopausal syndrome, shoulder and back pain, depression, cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis B, urinary tract inflammation, vaginal yeast infection, irregular menses, sores in mouth and tongue after child birth, constipation due to deficiency (weakness), hyperthyroidism, eczema, vitiligo, keratodermia, headache, central progressive retina atrophy, and dizziness. Composition: bai zhu 5 g, gan cao 7 g. fu ling 10 g, bo he 2 g, dang gui 10 g, bai shao 10 g, sheng jiang 5 g, chai hu 5 g. Boil with water and make into decoction. Use as tea. Or use the same proportion and make into powder (dan zhi xiao yao san). Dosage: 6 to 9 g. When the powder is made into pill form, it is called dan zhi xiao yao wan. Name of formula: Xiao yao wan When the powder is made into pill form, it is called xiao yao wan. The application and dosage are the same as xiao yao san.
Name of formula: dan zhi xiao yao san When dan pi (See application of xiao yao san above for other syndromes).
A study of dan zhi xiao yao san on bipolar disorder. Explanation: Vitiligo: Partial or total loss of skin pigmentation, often occurring in patches. Keratodermia: A horny covering or growth of the skin, usually in older people.
主治﹕肝鬱氣鬱血虛之症﹕神經衰弱﹐失眠﹐肺炎﹐喉鼻黏膜發炎﹐結核初期輕症﹐ 組成﹕ 用法與用量﹕ 口服,一次 6~9g,一日1~2次。
若肝鬱脾虛, 而有化火生熱的現象。或煩燥易怒, 或頭痛目澀, 或面赤口乾, 小便澀痛等舌質紅苔白, 脈弦數, 可再加涼血清熱的牡丹皮及梔子, 就成為「丹梔逍遙散」。有時也叫做「加味逍遙散」。
逍遙 閉經: 月經數月不行﹐精神抑鬱,性急煩躁,胸脅脹痛,舌邊紫暗或有瘀點,脈沉弦等,可用本方與 桃紅四物湯: 桃 仁10克 ,紅 花 6克,丹 參 12克,當 歸12克,赤 芍12克 ,川 芎7克 。
按此看丹梔逍遙散新用途 之報導。 藥方名:逍遙散 功能﹕同逍遙丸 主治﹕同逍遙丸 組成﹕ 柴 胡 5 克﹐ 生 薑 5 克﹐ 水煎,不拘時服。 注: 血道症: 婦女在產褥期 ,月經期,或更年期等出現的頭痛,血氣上逆,眩暈,溫熱感, Problems with website? Please Click here for comment. (Not for inquiry ) 按此看關於版權問題 Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌 所提供之廣告