Pharmaceutical name: 英文藥名﹕ | Semen cannabis sativa |
Botanical name: 學名﹕ | Cannabis sativa L. |
Pron. in Japanese: 日語發音﹕ | |
Pron. in Korean: 韓語發音﹕ | |
Pron. in Cantonese: 粵音﹕ | tai ma |
Other Names: 別名﹕ | |
Common Name: 外文名﹕ | Marijuana (in North America), ganja (Indonesia, Malaysia India) |
Distribution: 產地﹕ | Throughout China, SE Asia, and USA. |
Properties (characteristics)﹕ 性味﹕ | Seed is oily. After stir frying, it is fragrant, a little sweet and bland. The bud is tasteless at first, and then acrid, numbing, and toxic. It smells bad. |
Channels (meridians) entered: 歸經﹕ | |
Medical functions: 藥理﹕ | |
Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ |
Anesthetic effect; used in dry cough, asthma; calming nerves; stopping
spasms, pain; for insomnia; for soothing menstrual pain; for pain caused
by uterus not getting back in place; for pain in ovaries; mania; itchy
skin; prevent brain damage after injury.
Seeds can be used for dry stool and cough and pain. They promote
urination. Long-term usage can cause weight gain. Dosage: Seeds:12-18
gm. Buds--3-6 gm. Buds are used in decoction. Seeds are used in decoction,
pill, or powder form.
有麻醉作用。用於乾咳,哮喘; 鎮靜安神;停止痙攣,疼痛,失眠,舒緩經痛,由子宮沒有恢復原處引起的疼痛; 卵巢疼痛; 癲狂; 皮膚瘙癢;
種子可用於大便乾燥和咳嗽和疼痛;促進排尿。長期使用可導致體重增加。 【用法用量】:種子 - 12-18克。芽 - 3 -
Chemical ingredients: 化學成份﹕ | Protein, fat, ash, essential oil, lecithin, phytin, phytosterine, linoleic acid, glycuronic acid, inosite, edestin, mascarin, choline, trigonelline﹐ tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
蛋白質,脂肪,灰分,揮發油,卵磷脂,肌醇六磷酸鈣鎂,phytosterine,亞油酸,葡萄糖醛酸,肌醇,麻仁,mascarin,膽鹼,葫蘆巴鹼,四氫大麻酚(THC) |
Dosage: 用量﹕ | Bud paste: Daily dosage: 0.5 cc can be taken in 2 or 3 servings. For asthma and insomnia. |
Samples of formulae :處方舉例﹕ | Bud paste: 500gm chopped into fine particles, water 1000 cc. Simmer. Strain. And then simmer until 30cc left in paste form. The source of the formula: Yang Teem Hua |
Modern Research: 現代研究﹕ | |
Toxicity & Cautions: 毒素與禁忌﹕ | The buds possess analgesic qualities. Do not overdose. Chronic usage can cause :Amotivational syndrome ( aimlessness and un-communication). Withdrawal Symptoms can include: anorexia, insomnia, anxiety, and depression . Smoking marijuana (da ma) during pregnancy may cause miscarriage or underweight fetus. It can cause dysphoria, tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, and may abruptly develop into latent schizophrenia. 大麻含麻醉作用。不可多用。 長期服用可能造成語無倫次。 懷孕婦女吸食大麻常會造成早產、胎兒體重偏低。 大麻可致煩躁不安,心跳加速,體味低血壓,并可能突然發展為 潛伏性的神經分裂症。 |