By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu
Click on the links to get more information.
See: Chinese Herbs used in Cancer Therapy
Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia, 急性前骨髓細胞性白血病
(A) Qigong Therapy
I. Guo Lin Qigong
Other supplemental qigong programs:
Eight Sections of Silk

Five Animal Chart Play

II. Self Control Qigong

Self Control Qigong is very similar to Guo Lin Qigong
(B) Medical Research on Effect of Qigong
(C) Immuno-Augmentation Therapy
(D) Reports on Cancer Herbs Research
(E) Genetic discovery seen aiding diagnoses
(E) Other Experiences
Food to avoid depends on body types. -
Cold syndrome: Avoid melons, citrus fruit, pears, star fruit, tomatoes, coconut water, kiwi, peaches, water crest, squash, turnips, carrots, raw salad, banana, bitter melons, mung bean, winter melon, celery, beet . -
Hot syndrome, Yinxu (yin deficient)﹕ Avoid goat, lamb, coffee, curry, spices, onion, garlic fried food. -
Yangxu (yang deficient): See cold syndrome. -
Damp heat syndrome: alcohol, sugar, fat, ginnger , pepper, spices. -
Pixu (spleen deficient): Avoid fruits, melons, sugar, fruit juices.
寒證:忌寒涼食物: 柚類﹐梨子﹐楊桃﹐番茄﹐椰汁﹐橘子﹐獼猴桃(奇異果)﹐水蜜桃, 橙﹐西瓜﹐香蕉﹐苦瓜﹐綠豆﹐冬瓜﹐芹菜﹐君達菜 (甜菜), 荸薺﹐生菜沙拉等。
陰虛證:忌羊肉﹐狗肉﹐咖啡﹐咖哩﹐香料﹐蔥﹐大 蒜 ﹐煎炸品酒 。 陽虛證:見以上寒證。 濕熱證:忌酒類﹐甜食﹐肥肉﹐生 薑 ﹐咖哩﹐香料﹐胡椒。 脾虛: 忌西瓜﹐水果﹐ 甜食。
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