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biao xu (external deficient) 表虛 by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu (in English and Chinese 中英文) Biaoxu (external deficient) is a term in traditional Chinese medical diagnostics. Biao xu can be classified into 2 categories: 1 biaoxu caused by catching cold or influenza: the symptoms include: spontaneous perspiration, headache, stiff neck, fever, sweating, aversion to wind, slow and floating pulse.
2. biaoxu caused by
qi deficient and
spleen deficient, the immune system
is weak, spontaneous sweating (also called cold sweat), vulnerable
to external cold. This is internal type of injuries. Clinical symptoms include:
catching cold or influenza easily, looking pale, short of breath,
asthma arises when doing physical chores or exercises, fatigue, weak digestion
with loose stools, pale tongue with white fur, thin floating pulse, heart
weakness. Back to TCM diagnosis Back to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
表虛証 有兩種: 1.
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