Complementary and Alternative Healing University
bai hu tang 白虎湯 (in English and Chinese 中英文) Name of Formula: bai hu tang (Shan Han Lun) Usage: for getting rid of heat. Symptoms: Heat in yang ming channel : fever, thirst, red colored face and sweating. Prescription: shi gao 50 g, smashed, zhi mu 18 g, zhi gan cao 6 g, rice 50 g. Add 3000 c.c. of water and simmer down to 1000 c.c. Strain. Make into 3 servings. Take one prescription per day.
Warning: Do not use this formula if the patient's pulse is floating and tight or pulse is deep, or not thirsty, or not sweating. 功用:清熱生津。 主治:陽明氣分熱盛證:証見壯熱臉赤,煩渴引飲。汗出惡熱。 組成: 石膏 50 克, (打碎), 知 母 18 克, 炙 甘草 6 克, 梗米 50 克。 加水3000 cc. 煮至米熟。湯成去渣。溫服。日服三次。 禁忌:《溫病條辨》第九條說:『白虎本為達熱出表,若其人脈浮弦而細者,不可與也;脈沉者,不可與也;不渴者,不可與也;汗不出者,不可與也。』 【1】看焦樹德方劑心得十講:白虎湯 Problems with website? Please Click here for comment. (Not for inquiry ) 按此看關於版權問題Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌 所提供之廣告
Last update: Sept 30, 2013; 12:20 a.m. LAH