Complementary and Alternative Healing University
bai dai wan 白帶丸 (in English and Chinese 中英文)
translated and anotated by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 按此看中文
Name of Formula: bai dai wan 《Phamacopoeis of People Republic of China 》 Application: vaginal yeast or bacterial infection Compositon:
Grind into fine powder and make into pill form. Dosage: 6 g each time. 2 times a day.
《方源:中國藥典 》1995年版一部 [功能主治] 清濕熱,止帶下。用於濕熱下注,赤白帶下。 [组成] 黃 柏(酒炒)150g,椿 皮 300g, 白芍 100g, 當 歸 100g, 香 附子(醋制)50g。以上各藥研細末。作成小丸。 [用法用量] 口服:一次6g,一日2次。 Problems with website? Please Click here for comment. (Not for inquiry ) 按此看關於版權問題Sponsors' Ads by Google 以下為谷歌 所提供之廣告
Last update: Sept 30, 2013; 12:20 a.m. LAH