Complementary and Alternative Healing University
Ba zhen tang 八珍湯 (in English and Chinese 中英文) Name of Formula: ba zhen tang Application: qi and blood deficient (qixu and xue xu) with yinxu with heat, pixu (weak digestion), lack of strength, emanciated muscles, bleeding after birth or during pregnancy, anemia with dizziness, blurry vision with palpitation, pale complexion, weakness after sickness, irregular menses, as tonic before and after giving birth.
Composition: sheng jiang 3 slices, ren shen 12 g, dang gui 12 g, da zao 12 g, bai zhu 12 g, chuan xiong 12 g, fu ling 12 g, shao yao 12 g, gan cao 6 g, shu di huang 12 g. Add 1,200 cc of water. Simmer till about 320 cc is left. Take before meal, while warm. Adjustment of formula:
1. achy loin:add
niu xi,
du zhong.
4. to regulate menses:add
yi mu cao. Note: In cases of qixu (qi deficient) with blood deficient and dislike cold, use this formula (ba zhen tang); but qixu (qi deficient) with xuexu (blood deficient) with yangxu (yang deficient) use shi quan da bu tang.
Note: ba zhen tang derives from the combination
氣虚 兼血 虚 而有 陰虛內熱,脾胃虧損,食慾不振,肢體無力, 肌肉消瘦,胎產崩漏, 體虛衰弱,貧血頭暈,目眩心悸,面色蒼白,病後衰弱,月經不調,腰痛,產前產後調養。 處方﹕ 生薑 三 片, 人參 三 錢, 當歸 三 錢, 大棗 三 枚 ,白朮 三 錢, 川 芎 三錢, 茯苓 三 錢, 芍藥 三錢,甘草 錢半, 熟地黃 三 錢。 水三碗﹐煎八分。 飯前溫服。
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Last update: Sept 30, 2013; 12:20 a.m. LAH