Complementary and Alternative Healing
Thrombosis by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu See Chinese herb formula: for blood clots. Thrombosis is the formation of a clot or clots inside a blood vessel as distinguished from the clotting of blood outside a blood vessel. A thrombus is formed by an aggregation of blood factors, primarily platelets and fibrin with entrapment of cellular elements, frequently causing vascular obstruction at the point of its formation. Thromboses are prone to occur where blood flow is sluggish. The slow flow or ischemia permits activated clotting factors to accumulate instead of being carried away by blood flow. Usually blood cells of cancer patients have a tendency to coagulate. The coagulation of blood cells hinders blood flow, thus increasing the chances of forming thromboses. They also occur in coronary and cerebral arteries at sites where the intima is damaged by arteriosclerotic plaques, and over the damaged areas of the endocardium. Bits of clots sometimes break off and travel in the blood stream to distant sites and damage other organs. Anticoagulants (blood thinners) are usually used to address the problems but over use of anticoagulants can cause internal bleeding. While using anticoagulants, do not consume large amounts of foods high in vitamin K. Prothrombin Time (PT) is being used to monitor the safe usage level of anticoagulants like Aspirin, warfarin (Athrombin-K, Carfin, Coumadin, Panwarfin, Sofarin, Warfilone) heparin, and as a stool analysis for blood to determine if there is internal bleeding. Risk of thrombosis can be monitored with qigong and traditional Chinese medicine diagnostics in conjunction with traditional modern medicine. The most effective therapy is a certain qigong therapy according to a twenty year and a thirty year study by the Shanghai Hypertension Clinic, Second People Medical School of Shanghai and Hospital. The most effective long term maintenance is using a certain qigong therapy, Chinese herbs and monitoring with the technology of modern medicine. See Chinese herb formula for blood clots: xue fu zhu yu tang See Qigong Classes
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