Complementary and Alternative Healing
High ALT and AST
For explanation and diagnosis, click on : ALT and AST . Prescription: wu wei zi 50 g, chai hu 30 g, gan cao, 30 g. Simmer with water. Make into 2 servings. Take after meal. 1 to 3 months is one therapy period. Effectiveness: This formula was used by 48 patients. The enzyme levels of all patients were close to normal after treatments. Warning: prolong taking high dosage of gan cao may cause atrophy of the adrenal cortex. Large dosages can increase blood pressure. Long term usage of large dosage can also cause edema and hypokalemia. Not to use this formula if the patient is using interferon..
Another formula: This formula is usually available over the counter. Taking one pill each time, three times a day can lower AST and ALT. Note: this formula is only suitable for deficient syndrome. Another formula: Curcuma xanthorrhiza make into powder. Use 5 to 10 g each time. Drop in boiling water. Cover. Turn off stove. Let stand for a few minutes and use as tea. ALT 麩氨酸丙酮酸轉氨脢﹐和 AST 麩氨酸草酸轉氨脢過 高 五味子 50克﹐柴 胡 30克﹐甘草 30克 。 水煎分成二份。飯後服。一 至三個月為一療程。 療效﹕48個病人﹐治療後﹐ALT 麩氨酸丙酮酸轉氨脢﹐和 AST 麩氨酸草 酸轉氨脢趨於正常。
注意﹕長期服用大劑量之甘草﹐可導致腎上腺皮質衰退。大 剤量能升高血壓。長期用大剤量能致水腫與鉀瀦留。用干擾素者,忌用此方。但甘草劑量太小會增加乙肝病毒之複製。 編者按:本方加入車前子可能有助身體排出五味子所含的草酸鹽以保護腎臟。
處方二: 束骨姜黃 研细末。每次用5~10 克放入沸水中,加蓋,收火。放置數分鐘後,當茶喝用。 處方三: 烏雞白鳳丸出自明· 龔雲林《壽世保元》,為婦科之要藥,專治婦女氣血虧虛引起的月經不调、崩漏带下等 症,療效顯著。近來應用于治療一些新的病症。 慢性肝炎: 近年來的藥理實驗證明烏雞白鳳丸對四氯化碳肝损傷引起的血清穀丙轉 氨酶升高有明顯的降低作用。提示本品能增强肝臟解毒功能,促進肝糖元和蛋白质的合成代謝,從而對肝损傷起保護作用。 臨床上用本品内服,每次1丸,每日3次治療慢性肝炎療效好,特別 是降低血清轉氨酶、麝香酚濁度作用較為明顯。 註﹕ALT 亦有稱為穀丙轉氨脢。AST 亦有稱為穀草轉氨脢。 節錄自 人民健康網 2002-02-04 烏雞白鳳丸﹔原出典 明· 龔雲林《壽世保元》
以上各藥是指濃缩中藥。 用法用量 日三服,溫開水送服。 另《萬病回春》烏雞丸, 其組成: 黃耆、人參、當
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