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Bone Marrow Biopsy Report Sample of a Report
Stanford Hospital and Clinics 300 Pasteur Drive, Stanford, CA 94305
Name: XXXXXXXXXX (CROSSED OUT) CLINICAL HISTORY: 32-year-old male with a history of APL (SHS-01-29962). A recent biopsy showed no morphologic evidence of residual disease (SHS 01-37736).
OPERATION: Bone marrow biopsy
GROSS DESCRIPTION: The specimen "left PSIC bone marrow biopsy" is received in Bouin's solution and consists of one elongated cylindrical tan-brown fragment of bony material that measures 1.5 x 0.2 x 0.2 cm. The specimen is submitted entirely between sponges in a single cassette following decalcification (MARROW HEME tag). Estrada for Morgan/pal
WBC: 6.4 K/uL HGB: 11.0 g/dL HCT: 34.0 % MCV: 74.2 fL PLT: 358 K/uL RDW: 14.5% ABS NEUT: 3.92 K/uL ABS LYM: 1.70 K/uL
PERIPHERAL BLOOD SMEAR: Red blood cells are normochromic and range from microcytic to normocytic. There is occasional polychromasia. A few scattered teardrop forms are identified. Platelets are normal in number with occasional large and hypogranular forms. -White blood cells are normal in number, with a normal absolute number of neutrophils. White blood cells are predominantly normal appearing segmentged and band neutrophils, with fewer numbers of lymphocytes and monocytes.
BONE MARROW ASPIRATE: The bone marrow aspirate is adequate. Megakaryocytes are present in normal numbers with normal morphology . The M:E ratio is 2-3:1. Myeloid precursors are normal in number and are left-shifted without a relative increase in the number of promyelocytes or blasts. Erythroid precursors are present in normal numbers and are also mildly left-shifted . Iron stores are present within histiocytes, no ringed sideroblasts are identified.
BONE MARROW BIOPSY: The bone marrow biopsy is mildly hypercellular for age, approximately 70%. Megakaryocytes are present in normal numbers and morphology. The M:E ratio is 3:1. Myeloid and erythroid precursors are normal in number and mature fully. The myeloid precursors are mildly left-shifted. There are no excess blasts. Notable, there is an area of fibrosis, which appears to be associated with subcortical bone.
COMMENT: The bone marrow aspirate and biopsy reveal left-shifted myelogenesis and erythrogenesis. There is no relative increase in the number of promyelocytes or blasts. Since morphology is limited in distinguishing normal myelogenesis from residual disease, correlation with cytogenetic and/or molecular studies is recommended.
MORGAN/NATKUNAM p] 1/24/02 daw/01/24/02 I have personally reviewed the specimen and agree with the interpretation above. YASODHA NATKUNAM M.D. Pathologist Electronically signed 01/24/2002
Explanations, annotated by Joe Hing Kwok Chu (source:Atomica-GuruNet):
Dr. Martin is one of the two best medical doctors in the field of Leukemia and Multiple Myeloma in United States, as told by various oncologists, also by Prof. Richard Dorsay M.D., a retired radiologist who headed the radiology department of South San Francisco Kaiser Hospital for 15 years.
Normochromic red cell: The color of red blood cells that contain a normal amount of hemoglobin
Bouin's fluid: A fixing and preserving solution consisting of picric acid, formaldehyde, and glacial acetic acid called also Bouin; Bouin's solution
microcyte: An abnormally small red blood cell present esp. in some anemias
normocyte: A red blood cell that is normal in size and in hemoglobin content
polychromatic: 1. Having or exhibiting many colors. 2. Of or composed of radiation of more than one wavelength: polychromatic light. (Back to top portion of report)
hypogranular: hypo granular cells
megakaryocyte: A large cell that has a lobulated nucleus, is found esp. in the bone marrow, and is the source of blood platelets
lobulated: Made up of, provided with, or divided into lobules the pancreas is a lobulated organ; a lobulated tumor
hy·per·cel·lu·lar·i·ty : The presence of an abnormal excess of cells (as in bone marrow)
neutrophil: A neutrophil cell, especially an abundant type of granular white blood cell that is highly destructive of microorganisms See acute promyelocytic leukemia
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