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Basal Body Temperature    (in English and Chinese)

by: Joe Hing kwok Chu    按 此看中文

A manuscript... writing in progress

Basal Body Temperature

Basal body temperature is the temperature taken immediately upon awakening after a restful night's sleep, twelve hours after eating, no exercise, no emotional excitement, and under normal ambient temperature.

Menses cycle and Basal Body Temperature

The cycle is computed from the first day of bleeding. The normal length of the cycle is about 21 to 35 days. It differs in different individuals. The average length is about 28 days. The cycle is divided into three parts by the ovulation day. The follicle period is before ovulation. This is when  the corpus luteum (yellow body) period is after ovulation. The length of follicle period varies but the length of the period of corpus luteum period is typically on the 14th day of a 28-day cycle and lasts for 2 days.


The 2nd day after ovulation, because of the corpus luteum formation in the ovaries and secretes progesterone, the body temperature rises about 0.6 oC. The body temperature can go up or down. The high temperature can maintain 12 to 16 days (average 14 days). If no pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum becomes atrophied and stop secreting progesterone and the body temperature drops back to normal level and the menses resumes. If pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum because of the effect of the hormone secreted by the fetus, continues to secrete progesterone and the body temperature continue to be high. If the function of the ovaries is not normal, without ovulation and without forming of progesterone, the body temperature will continue to be low.


Click here to go back to herb to enhance ovulation page.

Click here to go back to Men Infertility page.





<1st day of menstrual period-----------------14th day-(ovulation)---------------------28th day>


<----------------------><---------- ~14th day,+/- 2 days>

     follicle period        corpus luteum (yellow body)

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<月經第一天----------------------第14 天排卵 ---------------------------第28天週期>



    濾泡期 (長短不一)             黃體期

<----------------------><---------- ~14th day,+/- 2 days>

     follicle period        corpus luteum (yellow body)






A manuscript... writing, translating and proofreading  in progress

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