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Liver Qi Stagnation 肝氣鬱結
Liver qi stagnation is a term used in Traditional Chinese medicine. It has nothing to do with the physical organ liver.
The syndrome includes: Primary: fullness and pain in the chest; depressed mood. Secondary: tightness and discomfort in the chest area, frequent sighing, lack of appetite, difficulty in ejaculation during intercourse (male), dislike talking, pain before and during menses (female), fullness in the breasts or breasts with lumps, pale tongue with thin fur, tight pulse.
A study using Beck Depression Inventory shows that most of the gan qi yu jie (liver qi stagnation) patients were depressed.
Another study shows that the increase of antidiuretic hormone is a significant correlative index of liver qi stagnation (gan qi yu jie). Liver qi stagnation is closely related with the function of regulating emotion of the central nervous system.
Herb therapy:
Name of formula: chai hu shu gan tang
chen pi chai hu zhi ke xiang fu zi chuan xiong bai shao gan cao
Adjustments: Blood deficient: add dang gui Blood stasis, insomnia, anxiety: add yan hu suo Urination difficulty: add chuan lian zi Weak digestion: add yu jin
Also see persistent insomnia See insomnia due to liver qi stagnation acupuncture therapy. Editor's Note: The increase of antidiuretic hormone is usually caused by shenyangxu condition which is common among the liver qi stagnation patients. Also, the patients usually show condition of blood stasis (xue yu). Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), is a water-retaining hormone, promotes water retention by increasing the permeability of nephrons (filtering units of the kidneys).
肝氣鬱結 主要症狀﹕胸脅脹痛痛或串痛,情志抑鬱。 次证:胸悶不舒,常嘆息,食慾不振,月經不調,經期腹痛,乳脹或結塊,舌淡苔薄, 性交時不能射精,寡言少歡,性慾低下﹐脉弦。 血漿抗利尿激素水平升高是肝氣郁結証相關性較強的指標之一. 肝氣郁結証與中樞神經對精神情緒調節功能異常密切相關. [1] 處方﹕柴胡疏肝湯 組成﹕
血虛﹕加 當 歸 血淤﹐失眠﹐不安﹕加延 胡索 小便不利﹕加 川 楝 子 消化不良﹕加 鬱 金
[1] <<世界华人消化杂志
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