Actions & Indications: 主 治 ﹕ | Used as tonic for kidneys, improving yang, especially for
shenyangxu (kidney yang deficiency) that causes
impotence, infertility, premature ejaculation, spermatorrhea, frequent urination, incontinence, irregular menses, cold and painful lower abdomen﹐ weak and achy loin and knees, and chronic inflammation of nerves (especially the sciatica nerves). Used for muscular atrophy, painful rheumatoid arthritis, ridding of damp cold.
用於腎虛陽痿,遺精﹐ 早泄,多 尿 ﹐大 小 便 失 禁 ﹐ 月 經 不 調 ﹐ 下 腹 冷 痛 。 2. 腰膝痿軟疼 痛 ﹐ 坐 骨 神 經 痛 等症。 用於肌 肉 萎 縮 ﹐ 下肢寒濕痺痛等症。
Samples of Applications: 應 用 舉 例 ﹕ | For impotence, spermatorrhea: ba ji tian,
rou cong rong, tu
si zi. For weak and achy loin and knees: ba ji tian,
xu duan,
zhong. For painful rheumatoid arthritis: ba ji tian,
fu zi,
gou jii.
巴戟天溫而不燥,補而不滯,能補腎陽,強筋骨。用於陽痿遺泄,常與肉蓯蓉,菟絲子等同用; 治療腰膝痿軟,常與續斷,杜
仲等藥配伍應用。 巴戟天能助腎陽,散寒濕,治痺痛,常與附子,狗脊等同 用 。
Chemical ingredients﹕ 化 學 成 份 : | morindin, vitamin C,asperuloside tetraacetate, resin, monotrpein, methyl isoalizarin, methylisoalizarin 1-methylether, rubiadian, rubiadin-1-methyl-ether, 2-methylanthraquinone, 2-hydroxy-3- (hydroxymethyl)-anthraquinone, 1-hydroxy, antraquinone, anthraquinone, 1,6-dihydroxy-2-methoxy-anthraquinone, 1-hydroxy-2-methoxyanthraquinone; elements: lead, iron, magenese, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium, nickel , barium, sodium, phosphorus, aluminium, etc. Organic acid: 24-ethycholesterol, non-adecane, glucose, and mannose. |