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huang qin 黃芩   (in English and Chinese 中英文)

by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu

Click to see plants here

Pharmaceutical name:

Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis

Biological name:

  1. Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi.

  2. S. amoena C.H. Wright (in Southern part of China)

  3. S. viscidula Gge. ( in northeastern China)

Pron. in Japanese:


Pron. in Korean:


Pron. in Cantonese:

wong kam

Common Name:

baiscal skullcap root, scutellaria, scute


Hebei, Henan, Shanxi, Shandong, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin

Properties (characteristics)﹕


bitter,  cold


Channels (meridians) entered:


gallbladder, large intestine, lung, stomach


Actions & Indications:

clears heat and dries fire, drains dampness, stops bleeding, calms fetus, lower liver yang, for jaundice,  hypertension, anxiety, headache due to cold or flu, prostate cancer, breast cancer,  red eyes and sore throat,  cough and asthma due to heat syndromes.

去濕熱﹐止血﹐ 安胎﹐降肝陽之火﹐治煩躁不安﹐血壓高﹐前列腺癌﹐ 乳 癰 ,風 熱 濕 熱 頭 痛 , 熱 嗽 喉 腥 , 定 喘 嗽 , 黃 疸 , 血 熱 ,

吐 , 衄, 崩, 漏 , 目 赤 腫 痛 ,乳 癰 ,一般癌症 。




Medical Function:

1. effects on digestive system: alcohol extract of huang qin or its ingredient baicalin can promote secretion of bile but another ingredient wogonin does not have this effect. Baicalein can promote movements of extra body intestines of rabbits but wogonin does not have this effect. Huang qin possesses a mild diarrhea effect.

2. anti - histamine effect: alkaloids of huang qin possesses antihistamine effect. It can inhibit edema of rats caused by carrageenin.

3. anti allergenic effect: alcohol extract of huang qin inhibits acute asthma attack and allergenic eczema. Baicalein has anti-toxin effect,  inhibits permeability of capillaries and anti acetylcholine and anti anaphylaxis effects.

4. broad spectrum antibiotic effect

5. prevents atherosclerosis

6. blood thinning effect: one of the ingredients, Oroxylin A, can  promote an enzyme to produce nitrogen oxide, a potential for stroke and myocardiac infarction therapy.

7. the ingredient of huang qin, wogonin shows strong anti hepatitis B virus effect.[1]


一 . 對 消 化 系 統 影 響 : 本 品 醇 抽 取 物 或 其

成 分 黃芩苷 ( baicalin )有 促 進 膽 汁 分 泌 作 用 , 

另 一 成 分 漢 黃 芩 素 ( wogonin ) 無 此 作 用 。

黃 芩 素 ( baicalein ) 對 兔 離 體 腸 管 具 有 運 動

亢 進 作 用 , 但 漢 黃 芩 素 無 此 作 用 。 黃 芩

具 有 緩 瀉 作 用 。

二 . 抗 炎 症 作 用:  黃 芩鹼 素 類 , 有 抗 炎 症

作 用 , 對 大 白 鼠 因 卡拉膠(carrageenin) 引 起 浮 腫 有 顯 著 抑 制 作 用 。

三 . 抗 過 敏 作 用 :

黃 芩 醇 抽 取 物 抗 過 敏 作 用 , 對 急 性 氣 喘 及

過 敏 性 皮 膚 炎 有 抑 制 效 果 。 黃 芩 素 有 解

毒 作 用 、 抑 制 毛 細 血 管 透 過 性 作 用 、 抗 乙

醯 膽 素 (acetylcholine) 作 用 及 抗 全身型過 敏性反應(anaphylaxis) 作 用 。

四 . 廣 譜 抗 菌 作 用 :

 本 品 濃 液 , 在 試 管 內 對 革 蘭

氏 陽 性 菌 有 抑 制 作 用 。

五 . 防 止 粥 狀 動 脈 硬 化 作 用:

本 品 水 浸 液 , 連 續 經 口 給 藥 , 對 兔 實 驗 性

誘 發 之 粥 狀 動 脈 硬 化 症 有 預 防 作 用 。

六.  治療腦中風及心肌梗塞等血管病﹕

成分千層紙素A(Oroxylin A),用以抑制誘導性 一氧化氮製造酵素,具治療腦中風及心


七. 漢黃芩素有很強的抗乙型肝炎病毒之作用。[1]

Chemical ingredients:

Chemical ingredients:

1.(1) (baicalein)1,2,(baicalin)3, (5,6-dihydroxy-7-O-glucoside-flavone)4, (chrysin)5, (5, 7, 2'-trihydroxy-flavone)4,6, (5, 7, 2', 3'-tetraflavone)6,7, (5, 7, 2', 6'-tetraflavone)6, 8, (5, 7, 2'-trihydroxy-8-methoxyflavone)1, (oroxylin-A), (oroxylin-A-glucoronide)3, (5, 7, 2'-trihydroxy-6-methoxyflavone)2, 9, (nor-wogonin)9, (5, 8, 2'-trihydroxy-7-methoxyflavone)5, (Wogonin)10, *-methoxy-5-O-glucoside flavone)11, (8-methoxy-5-O-glucoside flavone)11, (Wogonoside)3, 5, 7, 2' (Scutevulin) 4,6,  (5, 7, 4'-trihydroxy-8-methoxy flavone)2,8, (5, 7, 2'-trihydroxy-8, 6'-dimethoxy- flavone)4, (5, 7, 2', 5'-tetrahydroxy-8, 6'-dimethoxy flavone)4,12, (5-hydroxy-7, 8-dimethoxyflavone)9, (skullcapflavone I), (skullcapflavone II)13,14, (5, 2', 6'-trihydroxy-7, 8, -dimethoxy flavone)7, (5, 7, 4'-trihydroxy-6-C-glucoside-8-C-arabinoside flavone)15, (5, 7-dihydroxy-6, 8, 2', 3'-tetramethoxy-flavone)16, (5, 8-dihydroxy-6, 7-dimethoxyflavone)6,8, (5, 8, 2'-trihydroxy-6, 7-dimethoxyflavone)5, (5, 2'-dihydroxy-6, 7, 8-trimethoxyflavone)6,9, (5, 2', 5'-trihydroxy-6, 7, 8-trimethoxyflavone)4,6.

(2) (7,2', 6'-trihydroxy-5-methoxyflavanone)7, (dihydro baicalin)9, (dihydrooroxylin-A)9, (5,7, 4'-trihydroxy-6-methoxyflavanone)2,5.

(3) (7, 2', 6'-trihydroxy-5methoxychalcone)7, (2, 6, 2', 4'-tetrahydroxy-6'-methoxychalcone)7.

(4) (3, 5, 7, 2', 6'-pentahydroxy flavononol)11.

(5) (3, 5, 7, 2', 6'-pentahydroxyflavonol)7.

2. [2-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl) - ethyl-1-O-α-L-rhamnostl-(1-->3)-β-D- (4-ferulo-yl) -glucoside]15.

3. (proline)

4. (acetophenone), [(E) -4-phenyl-3-buten-2-one], (1-phenyl-1, 3-butanedion), (palmitic acid, (oleic acid)17.

5. (glucose), (sucrose), Camphestrol, (stigmasterol), (sitosterol)3, 14, 16.




6 to 15 g

 3~15 克。

Samples of formulae:

long dan xie gan tangxiao xu ming tang,   xiao chai hu tang,

 龍 膽瀉肝湯, 小續命湯, 小柴胡湯.  

Modern Research:

 to be loaded.


禁 忌 ﹕

not to use in case of  pixu (spleen deficient), weak digestion. Avoid using huang qin while on blood thinning medication.

脾 虛 、少食、便溏者忌服。用抗凝藥時須避免同 時用黃芩。

[1] J Viral Hepat. 2013;20(7):445-452.

carrageenin : Any of a group of closely related colloids derived from Irish moss and several other red algae, widely used as a thickening, stabilizing, emulsifying, or suspending agent in industrial, pharmaceutical, and food products. (source: American Heritage Dictionary)

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