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Artificial Insemination


Translated by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 朱興國編譯    


The success rate depends on amount of semen's, the motility of the semen, and frequencies of the procedure. Success rate can be 50~70% if the semen are normal.

Using fresh semen, the success rate is about 70%, and using frozen semen the success rate is about 50% but the chances of contacting diseases is lower. The success of uterus insemination is about 40%.


Artificial insemination success rate depends on several factors:


First, the cause of infertility is very important. Those with good sperm count and motility but can not perform intercourse, will have significantly higher chance of success in artificial insemination than those with abnormalities.


Secondly, the woman's age factor also plays an important role. If the woman more than 35 years old, it significantly reduces the chance of pregnancy.


Third, ovulation predictability is also important. The more regular are the menstruations, pregnancy success rate is higher.


Fourth, endometriosis or pelvic infection or a history of tubal disease can reduce the success rate, but the success rate of those who had a previous pregnancy is higher.


In summary, in the artificial insemination monthly, pregnancy success rate of each cycle about 10% to 15%


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