quercetin 槲黃素 (in English and Chinese 中英文)
by: Joe Hing kwok Chu
Quercetin is part of the complex compound of vitamin P. It is a bioflavonoid. It is similar to rutin. It is widely distributed in plants and commonly seen in vegetables, fruits that we consume like: onion, cabbage, apple, asparagus, mustard green, lettuce, grapefruit, grapes, green tea, spinarch, potatoes; and also seen in herbs like gingko, St. John's wort, jie gu mu, gao liang jiang, yin chen hao,
ye, xian ling pi, he shou wu, tou gu cao, tian qi, gan cao, he shou wu, beng da wan (gotu
cola) etc.
Its medical functions include:
anti-allergy by inhibiting the release of leukotrenes that can cause asthma, gouts, ulcerative colitis.
anti-oxidation. Its anti-oxidation is 50 times as strong as vitamin E and 20 times as strong as vitamin C.
promote capillary circulation to maintain blood flow, improve blood vessel elasticity, good vascular flow,
Inhibit the formation of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and peroxidation, and prevent atherosclerosis, and it can pass through the blood brain barrier and protect brain cells
槲黃素( Quercetin ). 為維生素P複合物之一部分。是屬於生物類黃酮 ,與芸香甙(蘆丁)相似。它廣泛分佈於植物界中。常見於日常食用的蔬菜水果中, 如洋蔥,甘藍,蘋果,蘆筍,芥菜, 萵苣,葡萄柚,葡萄,綠茶,波菜,馬鈴薯,與藥用植物如白果,貫葉連翹,接骨木,高莨姜,茵陳蒿,柏葉,仙靈脾,何首烏,透骨草,田七,甘草,何首烏,崩大碗等。
抗過敏,阻止發炎物質白三烯素 (leukotrienes)的釋放. 白三烯素會引起氣喘、痛風、潰瘍性結腸炎…及常見的疾病。