Pharmaceutical name: 英文藥名 : | Semen Zizyphi Spinosae |
Biological name: 拉丁名: | Ziziphus jujuba var. Spinosa (Bunge) Hu ex H. F. Chow |
Pron. in Japanese: 日語發音 : | sansonin |
Pron. in Korean: 韓語發音 : | sanchoin |
Pron. in Cantonese: 粵語發音 : | syun1 zou2 jan4 |
Common Name: 英文名: | sour jujube seed |
Distribution: 分布: | Hebei, Shaanxi, Liaoning, Henan 河北,陜西,遼寧,河南。 |
Properties (characteristics): 性味: | sweet, sour, neutral , non toxic. 味甘,酸,性平, 無 毒。 |
Channels (meridians) entered: 歸經: | gallbladder, heart, liver, spleen 膽﹐心﹐肝﹐脾。 |
Actions & Indications: 主治: | calming, tonic yin, prevent abnormal sweating, anxiety, insomnia, excessive dream, palpitation, weak memory, dizziness, night sweating, instant sweating. 有養心安神、益陰斂汗的功能。用於陰血不足、虛煩失眠、多夢、 心悸怔忡、頭暈、健忘、自汗盜汗等。 |
Medical Function: 藥理: | 1. calming, promote sleep 2. relieves pain, anti epilepsy 3. lowers blood pressure (1)鎮靜、催眠 (2)鎮痛、抗驚厥 (3)降血壓。 |
Chemical ingredients: 化學成分 : | 1. betulic acid, betulin, jujuboside A, B, B1, [1-3], jujubogenin, ebelin lactone, daucosterol, Ceanothic acid, Alphitolic acid [1] 2. swertisin, Zivulgarin, Spinosin [2-5], (2"-O-β-D-glucopyranosylswertisin)[6], 6"-Sinapoylspinosin, 6"-Feruloylspinosin, 6"-p-Coumaroylspinosin[7] [8] 3.cGMP, cAMP [8], ferulic acid,[2], phytosterol, vitamin C |
Dosage: 用量: | 10~20g。Concentrated extract: 0.5 ~2 g 10~20公克。濃縮中藥:0.5~2 公克。 |
Samples of formulae: 處方舉例: | suan zao ren tang |
Modern Research: 現代研究 : | to be loaded |
Cautions: 禁忌: | use with caution in case of chronic diarrhea, or in case of anxiety due to chronic bronchitis, yeast or bacterial infection. 心悸,納少,多汗者,有實邪鬱火,如濕痰邪熱所致的心神不安者 忌用及滑泄症者慎服。 |