Pharmaceutical name: 英文藥名﹕ | Herba cum Radice Violae Yedoensitis |
Botanical name: 學名﹕ | Viola yedoensis Mak Viola chinensis G. Don. |
Pron. in Japanese: 日語發音﹕ | shikajicho |
Pron. in Korean: 韓語發音﹕ | chahwachi |
Pron. in Cantonese 粵音﹕ | zi2 faa1 dei6 ding6 |
Other Names: 別名﹕ | Other names: | 別名: | jian tou cao | 箭頭草 | du xing hu | 獨行虎 | yang jiao zi | 羊角子 | mi bu dai | 米布袋 | jin jin cai | 堇堇菜 | jian tou cao | 箭頭草 | di ding cao | 地丁草 | jiao zi | 角子 | di ding cao | 地丁草 | bao jian cao | 寶劍草 | li tou cao | 犁頭草 | zi di ding | 紫地丁 | tu er cao | 免耳草 | xiao jiao zi hua | 小角子花 | jin jian dao | 金剪刀 |
Common Name: 英文名﹕ | Yedeon's vilet, viola |
Distribution: 產地﹕ | Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, and all northeastern China. 江 蘇 ﹐ 浙 江 ﹐ 安 徽 ﹐ 東 北 各 地 。 |
Properties (characteristics)﹕ 性味﹕ | acrid, bitter, cold. 辛 ﹐ 苦 ﹐ 寒 。 |
Channels (meridians) entered: 歸經﹕ | heart, liver. 心 ﹐ 肝 。 |
Medical functions: 藥理﹕ | To certain degree, inhibits Saphylococcus aureus, Pneumonococcus, Streptococcus A, Streptococcus B, Escherichia coli, Hemophilus Influenzae, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus albus, Candida albicans. [2] The extract of zi hua di ding, within non-toxic concentration, can totally inhibit the growth of HIV. The extract of dimethylsulfoxide of zi hua di ding possesses a very strong inhibitive effect on in-vitro HIV activities.[1] 對金黃色葡萄球菌﹐ 肺炎球菌﹐ 甲型鏈球菌﹐ 乙型 鏈珠菌﹐ 大腸桿菌﹐ 流感桿菌﹐ 白喉桿菌﹐ 綠膿桿菌﹐ 白色葡萄球菌﹐ 白色念球菌有不同程度的抑制作用。 紫花地丁提取物在低於毒性劑量的 濃度下,可完全抑制艾滋病毒(HIV)的生長,紫花地丁的二甲亞砜提 取物具有很強的體外抑制HIV活性[1] |
Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ | Snake bite: use fresh zi hua di ding to make juice and take internally. Also combine a small amount of xiong huang,. smash and apply externally. Red eyes: boils with liver yang ascending : combine this herb with ju hua, chan tui and make into decoction and use as tea. 治毒 蛇咬傷 ﹕ 用鮮品搗汁内服,亦可配雄 黃少許, 搗爛外敷。 肝陽上亢, 目赤腫瘤 ﹕本品 配菊花,蟬 蛻等 |
Chemical ingredients: 化學成份﹕ | palmitic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, trans-p-hydroxycinnamic acid, butane-dioic acid, tetracosanoyl-p-hydroxy phenethylamine, kaempferol-3-Omega-rhamnopyranoside. |
Dosage: 用量﹕ | 9 ~ 15 g. Large dosage can be up to 30 g. 9 ~5 克。大剤量可用到30克。 |
Samples of formulae :處方舉例﹕ | Name of Formula: zi hua di ding san (Zheng Zhi Zhun Sheng) Applications: for various kinds of boils Composition: zi hua di ding, dang gui﹐ da huang ﹐ chi shao yao﹐ jin yin hua﹐ huang qi﹐ gan cao Boil with water and use as tea. 藥方名:紫花地丁散(證 治準繩 》 主治:諸瘡腫痛 組成:紫花地丁﹐當歸﹐大黃 ﹐赤芍﹐金銀花﹐黃耆﹐ 甘草。 水煎服。 |
Modern Research: 現代研究﹕ | anti HIV [1] |
Toxicity & Cautions: 毒素與禁忌﹕ | Not to use in cases of pixu (spleen deficient) . 脾虛者 禁忌 用 。 |