| ze lan 澤蘭
(in English and Chinese 中英文) Translated and edited by: Joe Hing kwok Chu Pharmaceutical name: 英文藥名﹕ | Herba Lycopi | Biological name: 拉丁文學名﹕ | - Lycopus lucidus Turcz. var. hirtus Regel 毛葉地瓜兒苗 (澤 蘭)
- Lycopus Lucidus Turcz. Var. taiwanensis Hayata; 台灣地瓜兒苗
- Lycopus parviflorus Maxim.小花地瓜兒苗
- Lycopus Maackianus(Maxim.) Mak. 狭葉地瓜兒苗
- Lycopus Coreanus Levl.朝鲜地瓜兒苗
- Lycopus europaeus L. 歐地瓜兒苗 (in Sinkiang)
- Eupatorium chinense L. 華澤 蘭 (hua ze lan, incorrectly used as ze lan. It is a completely difference herb with different medical function)
- Eupatorium Japonicum Thunb 山蘭 (shan lan, incorrectly used as ze lan. It is a completely difference herb with different medical function)
- Eupatorium fortunei Turcz. 佩蘭 (pei lan, incorrectly used as ze lan. It is a completely difference herb with different medical function)
| Pron. in Japanese: 日語發音﹕ | takuran | Pron. in Korean: 韓語發音﹕ | t'aekuan | Pron. in Cantonese 粵音﹕ | zaak6 laan4 | Other Names: 別名﹕ | - ze lan ye 澤蘭葉,
- mao ye di yi 毛葉地笋 ,
- di yi 地笋,
- gan lu yang甘露秧,
- di gua er miao 地瓜 兒苗﹐
- shui xiang 水香﹐
- feng yao 風藥﹐
- hu lan 虎蘭﹐
- hai er ju 孩兒菊﹐
- hu pu 虎蒲。
| Common Name: 英文名﹕ | bugleweed | Distribution: 產地﹕ | Lycopus lucidus Turcz. var. hirtus Regel: liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, hebei, shanxi, Neimenggu,Shaanxi, Gansu, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Zhejiang,Anhui, Fujian,Jiangxi, Shandong, Taiwan, Yunnan,Guizhou, Sichuan provinces of China. 分佈於遼寧﹐ 吉林﹐黑龍江﹐河北﹐山西﹐内蒙古,陕西﹐甘肅﹐湖北﹐湖南﹐廣東﹐廣西﹐浙江﹐安徽﹐福建﹐江西﹐山東﹐台灣﹐雲南﹐貴州﹐四川等省區。 | Properties (characteristics)﹕ 性味﹕ | bitter, sweet, acrid, slightly warm. 味苦﹐甘 ﹐辛,性微溫。 | Channels (meridians) entered: 歸經﹕ | liver, spleen. 入肝﹐脾二經。 | Medical functions: 藥理﹕ | promotes menses, diuretics, inhibits pain. 通經,利尿,鎮痛。 | Actions & Indications: 主治﹕ | Actions & Indications: For menostasis due to blood stasis. scanty flow in menses, edema after birth, swelling from impact injuries, pain and swelling in joints, injuries, edema due to blood stasis, swelling from boils, lochia after giving birth. 主治﹕ 血淤經 閉,月經稀發,經痛,產後浮腫,跌打瘀腫,關節扭傷腫痛,鬱血性水腫, 癰腫,產後惡露。 | Chemical ingredients: 化學成 份﹕ | 1. hexanal, [cis-3-hexen-1-ol], 9trans-2-hexen-1-ol], [trans-2-hexen-1-ol], -1[hexanol], [alpha-thujene], [alpha-pinene], [sabinene], [myrcene], [trans-pinocarveol], [myrtenol], [alpha-cubebin], [beta-elemene],[{E}-geranylacetone], [beta-selinene], [nerolidol]. 2. [stachyose], [lycopose].(1) 3. [oleanolic acid], [betulinic acid], [3-epimaslinic acid], [euscaphic acid] (2), [2-alpha-hydroxyursolic acid], [tormentic acid]{3} 4. [acacin, linarin]. | Dosage: 用 量﹕ | 10 to 20 g. Concentrated extract: 0.5 to 2 g. 10~20克;濃縮中藥:0.5~2克 | Samples of formulae: 處方舉例﹕ | For promoting ovulation: Name of Formula: Pai Luan Fang | Modern Research: 現代研 究﹕ | ze lan can be used to mitigate the damage of the liver caused by carbon tetrachloride, according to researchers Xie Renming et al at Shaanxi Traditional Chinese Medical School of Shaanxi TCM Research Institute. Ze lan can lower the
SGOT (AST) and SGPT (ALT) of laboratory mice that were given carbon tetrachloride for 3 months and resulted cirrhosis of the liver.
注意﹕ |
Use with caution in cases of pregnancies or in cases without blood stasis The use ze lan (Eupatorium fortunei Turcz.) and pei lan (Eupatorium japonicum Thunb) are often intermixed in the provinces of Hunan, Fujian, Guangdong, Guizhou.. These are different herbs with different applications. Should not use as substitutes for each other.
懷孕期間﹐或無血 淤者,小心應用。
佩蘭 (Eupatorium fortunei Turcz.) 與山蘭 (Eupatorium japonicum Thunb)存在混用情况。在湖南,福建,廣東,貴州等省部分地區,以菊科草本植物佩蘭 (Eupatorium fortunei Turcz).或山蘭 (E. japonicum Thunb.) 當作澤蘭用 。佩蘭或山蘭二藥功能主治 與澤蘭不同,不宜混用。菊科佩蘭與 澤蘭最易識別之 處为草 質茎圆柱形。 |
Note: Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng is not the same plant being used in Chinese herb medicine. It was originated from central America and Mexico. Now it is widely distributed in Yunan area of China. It is harmful to husbandry. The chemical ingredients include: 正三十二烷n-dotriacontane(1),β-穀甾醇 β-sitosterol (2),豆甾醇 stigmasterol(3), 蒲公英醇棕榈酸酯 taraxasteryl palmitate(4),蒲公英醇乙酸酯 taraxasteryl acetate(5) .
紫莖澤蘭 (Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng)不是藥用澤蘭。 原產中美墨西哥,现 在滇南一带廣泛分佈,對林﹐牧業生產造成嚴重危害。從紫茎澤蘭的葉和花序中 ,分到九個單體,經詳細光譜解析和與標準品對照,其中五个成分的化學勾結分別為 :正三十二烷n-dotriacontane(1),β-穀甾醇 β-sitosterol (2),豆甾醇 stigmasterol(3), 蒲公英醇棕榈酸酯 taraxasteryl palmitate(4),蒲公英醇乙酸酯 taraxasteryl acetate(5) 。
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Last update: Jan 14, 2013; 11:40 p LAH