| | zang fu (organ) diagnostics 臟腑辨證 (in English and Chinese 中 英文) translated by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 朱興國譯成英文 Back to TCM diagnostics main page 1.肺病證候 Lung syndromecharacteristics性 質 | syndrome 證狀 | pulse 脈象 | tongue & fur 舌苔 |
cold寒 | pale complexion, short of breath, not thirsty, thin and white phlegm, clear color mucus from the nose.面白,氣喘不 渴,咳痰稀白,鼻流清涕。 | floating, tight, or slippery 浮弦或滑 | white, slippery 白滑 | hot 熱 | phlegm is thick and yellow, nose bleeding, and hot, dry mouth with sore throat, feverish with eddy, hot temper 咳痰黃稠,鼻衄鼻煽 ,咽痛口燥,身熱煩躁。 | large, rapid. 洪數 | yellow fur with red tip 苔黃尖紅 | deficient虛 | qi deficient 氣虛 | pale face, short of breath and tired, dislike cold and sweating easily, soft weak voice, dry skin, breath is shallow. 面 色萎白,氣怯倦怠,畏寒易汗,語音低弱,皮 膚乾燥,呼吸細微。 | weak, thin 虛 細 | pale and pink 舌淡紅 | yin deficient 陰虛 | hot flashes with sweating, dry cough with coarse voice, panting with dry throat, coughing blood, pink cheeks. 潮熱盜汗,乾咳音啞,喘促咽 燥,咳血顴赤。 | thin, rapid 細 數 | dark red with scanty fur 紅絳少苔 | strong實 | pulmonary-cardiac function deficient 水飲 | empty vomiting, palpitation, asthma and difficult to lie down, coughing and spitting bubbly phlegm, pain in chest and rib cage 乾嘔短氣,心悸,喘息不得臥,咳吐泡沫痰,胸 脅牽痛。 | thin, tight 細弦 | whit, slippery 白滑 | blood stasis and heat瘀 熱 | coughing, spitting bleed with pus, foul smelling breath and phlegm, pain and fullness in rib cage. 咳逆上氣,吐膿血,痰 氣腥臭,胸脅脹痛。 | slippery, strong or large and slippery 滑實或浮大 | yellow and oily 黃膩 |
2.大腸病證候 Large intestine syndrome大腸為傳導之官,與肺相表裡,其病變主要在大便方面。 Characteristics性質 | Syndrome 證狀 | Pulse syndrome 脈象 | Furs of tongue 舌苔 |
Cold 寒 | pain in abdomen with noise in the intestine, loose stool, long urination and light color urine, cold hands and feet. 腹痛腸鳴,大便溏泄, 小便 清長,手足冷。 | deep, slow.沉 遲 | white and slippery 白滑 | Hot 熱 | no pain in abdomen, stool is hard or mushy and stinky, or blood in stool, short, pink urine, dry mouth and lips, hot and painful anus. 腹無痛苦大便硬結或便溏腐臭,或便血,小 便短赤,口 燥唇焦,肛門灼熱腫 痛 。 | rapid. 數 | yellow and dry 黃燥 | Deficient 虛 | abdomen is soft, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of anus, body, especially the limbs are cold 腹 濡軟,久痢,滑泄,肛門 下脫,寒疾肢冷。 | thin and rapid 細數 | thin and slippery 薄 滑 | Strong 實 | pain in abdomen and resist pressing, or tenesmus, or pain in lower abdomen, constipation, or diarrhea with pus and blood, frequent urination. 腹痛拒按,或裡急後重,或小 腹疼痛,大便不通,或下利膿血,小 便頻 數。 | deep and rapid, or slippery and rapid. 沉數或滑數 | yellow and oily 黃膩 |
3.心病證候 heart syndrome心的主要功能是藏神、主血、因此神志和血液的病變和心有密切關係。 Characteristics性質 | Syndrome 證狀 | Pulse syndrome 脈象 | tongue & fur 舌苔 |
Cold寒 | palpitation, angina, cold limbs 心悸惚惚,心暴痛,肢冷。 | tardy 遲 | thin and white 薄白 | Hot 熱 | agitated and difficult to sleep, laughing nonstop, talking incoherently, red face with dry mouth, thirsty for water, angina, spitting bleed, nose bleeding, yellow and reddish urine. 心煩不得眠,喜笑不休,譫語如狂,面赤咽 乾, 口渴欲飲,心胸痛,吐血衄血,小便黃赤。 | rapid 數 | tip of tongue is red 舌尖紅赤 | Deficient虛 | palpitation, feeling sorrow and forgetful, agitated and difficult to sleep, abundance of dreams and waking up easily, instant sweating (yang deficient), night sweating, (yin deficient), spermatorrha, noisy abdomen as if hungry, sudden pain in the solar plexus, or pain in the rib cage radiating to the lower back. 心悸怔忡,善憂健忘,虛煩失眠,多夢易驚,自 汗(陽虛),盜汗(陰虛),遺精,腸内嘈 聲如飢,心下暴痛,或脅下牽引腰背疼痛。 | thin and weak 細弱 | tongue is red 舌質紅赤 | Strong實 | agitated and unpeaceful, laughing nonstop, getting angry and cussing, muddle headed with plegm. 煩躁不寧,喜笑不休,發狂怒罵,神昏痰壅。 | strong and large 實大 | tip of tongue is red 舌尖紅赤 |
4.小腸病證候 small intestine syndrome小腸亦稱「受盛之官」。其病患常和大小便之失常有關,又因與心相表裡故和心有一定 關係 。 Characteristics性質 | syndrome 證狀 | pulse syndrome 脈象 | tongue & fur 舌苔 |
deficient cold虛寒 | achy lower abdomen and preferring pressing, clear and prolong urinating, or frequent urination or with difficulty, noisy intestines, diarrhea or bleeding after bowel movements. 小腹墜痛喜按,小便清長或頻數不 利,腸鳴泄瀉 或糞後下血。 | thin, weak 細弱 | thin and white 薄白 | Strong hot 實熱 | achy intestines, pain radiating to lower back and testicles. Pain is lessened after farting, reddish urine, achy penis, pain in throat, hard in hearing, annoyed, sores on tongue. 小腸氣痛連及腰脊睪 丸,臍腹作脹,得 矢氣較鬆 ,小便赤澀,莖中痛,咽痛耳聾,心煩舌瘡。 | slipperly, rapid 滑數 | yellow and oil with pink edges and tip 黃膩邊尖紅 |
5.脾病證候 spleen syndrome (not referring to the organ spleen in anatomy)Its main function is in digestion and muscles of the limbs. Thus, the syndrome includes dysfunction of digestion, limbs being thin or edema. 脾主運化 ,主四肢肌肉,故脾病病候,偏於運化失調及肢體消瘦或浮腫等方面病變。Characteristics性質 | syndrome 證狀 | pulse syndrome 脈象 | tongue & fur 舌苔 |
cold 寒 | continuous abdomen pain, food not digesting, diarrhea or constipation, lack of appetite, cold limbs, vomiting, dark yellowish skin, or edema. 腹痛綿綿,食入不化,泄瀉清冷或便 秘,唇淡口和,肢冷嘔吐, 皮膚黃黯或 浮腫 。 | deep, slow 沉遲 | thin, white 薄白 | hot 熱 | sometimes ache in abdomen and sometimes feeling fine, able to eat, reddish yellow urine, red lips with sores, bright yellowish skin, sweet taste and sticky mouth. 腹部乍痛乍止,能 食,小便黃赤,唇赤生瘡,身黃色鮮,口甜粘濁。 | slippery and rapid 滑數 | thin yellowish or red tongue, lack of saliva. 薄黃 或舌赤少津 | deficient 虛 | pain in abdomen and like to be pressed, eating less and not digesting, stool is mushy or watery diarrhea, wilted complexion, tired and like to lie down , abundance of phlegm, wasting away or edema, cold limbs. 腹痛喜按,食 減不化,大便溏或 洞泄,面色萎黃,倦怠 嗜臥,多痰, 消 瘦 或浮腫,四肢清冷。 | weak and slow 虛緩 | slippery 滑 | strong 實 | fullness and achy upper belly, sometimes feeling hungry, unsmooth defecation and urination, sluggish feeling with edema, fullness in chest and abdomen. 大腹滿痛 ,有時易飢,大小便 不利,身重腫脹,胸痞滿。 | strong and rapid, or slippery and rapid. 數實或滑數 | fur of tongue is dry and yellow 舌苔乾黃 |
6.胃病證候 stomach syndrome胃主受穀又稱「水穀之海」,凡是飢飽不時,冷熱不當,都可影響胃的正常功能,以致 發生消化機能方面的病變。 characteristics性質 | syndrome 證狀 | pulse expression 脈象 | tongue & fur 舌苔 |
cold 寒 | chronic fullness and achiness in the stomach, preferring warm compress, spitting out clear mucus, after eating the morning then vomitting in the evening, burping, cold limbs, preferring warm food. 胃脘脹滿疼痛,綿綿不止,喜熱按,泛 吐清涎,早食暮吐,呃逆,四 肢清冷 ,喜熱飲食。 | right guan position is deep and slow 右關沉遲 | white and slippery 白滑 | hot 熱 | thirsty and longing for cool, fast digestion and hungry, noisy vomiting, vomiting after eating, foul smell from mount, swollen gum 口渴思冷 ,消穀善飢,嘔吐嘈雜,食入 即吐,口臭牙齦腫痛。 | slippery and rapid pulse滑數 | red tongue with yellow fur, lack of saliva 舌赤苔黃少津 | deficient 虛 | difficult to digest food, lump and tightness in chest cavity, burping gas and acid, lack of appetite, pale lips, loose stool. 食難消化 ,胸脘痞悶,噯氣吐酸,不思 飲食,唇淡便泄。 | right guan position is soft and weak 右關軟弱 | pulse tongue and lack of fur 舌淡少苔 | strong 實 | painful and flatulence in the stomach, resisting pressure, burping rotten food and acid, difficulty in defecating, ascites. 脘腹 脹滿,痛疼拒按,噯腐吞酸,大便不通 , 大腹水腫。 | strong and large 實大 | yellow and thick fur 黃厚 |
7.肝病證候 liver syndrome肝藏血,主筋,開竅於 目,性喜舒暢條達,肝病多見頭目,脅肋及筋脈等疾患。characteristics性 質 | syndrome 證狀 | pulse syndrome 脈象 | tongue & fur 舌苔 |
cold 寒 | hernia, pain and flatulence in lower abdomen, muscle contraction, radiating pain to the scrotum, vomiting clear mucus. 疝氣,小腹脹痛,筋收縮,陰囊引痛,嘔吐清 涎。 | deep, tight and slow 沉弦而遲 | white, slippery, pale 白滑質淡 | hot 熱 | pink and swollen eyes, tears, dry throat and bitter taste in mouth, fullness head and irritable, pain and difficulty in hearing, spasm, cloudy urine and bloody urine. 目赤腫痛,多淚,口苦咽乾,頭脹煩躁,耳痛耳聾,痙攣抽搐,淋濁尿血。 | tihgt and rapid 弦數 | red tongue 舌紅 | deficient 虛 | tinnitus, blurry vision, dry eyes and night blindness, spastic muscles, body numbness, wilted nails, dizziness and off balance. 耳鳴目眩,目乾雀盲,筋攣拘急,身體麻木,爪 甲枯萎,頭 暈欲撲。 | tight, thin and weak 弦細而弱 | bald, red without fur 光紅無苔 | strong 實 | pain and hot in the head, short of temper, pain and bulging in the rib cage radiating to the lower abdomen, vomiting acidic liquid, opisthotonos, deafness, dizziness. 頭中熱痛,急躁多怒,胸脅脹痛拒按,牽連小腹 ,嘔吐酸水,角弓反張,手 足拘 攣強急,耳聾頭眩。 | tight and strong 弦勁 | red and purple tongue, yellow greasy fur 舌紅 紫苔黃膩 |
8.膽病證候 gall bladder syndrome肝主謀慮,膽主決絲平,膽和肝相表裡。 characteristics性質 | syndrome 證狀 | pulse syndrome 脈象 | tongue & fur 舌苔 |
cold 寒 | insomnia, dizziness, vomiting. 夜間不寐,頭暈嘔吐。 | slow 遲 | slippery, greasy 滑膩 | hot 熱 | anguish, bitteness in mouth, vomiting bile, restless sleep at night, blurry vision, deafness, pain in rib cage, angry easily.胸脘煩悶,口苦,嘔吐苦水,夜寐不安,目眩耳聾,脅痛易怒。 | tight, rapid 弦數 | yellow, greasy 黃膩 | deficient 虛 | dizziness and preferring to lie down, weak and irritable and insomnia, easily frighten, sighing, blurry vision. 頭暈欲臥,虛煩不眠,膽怯易 驚,善太息,視物模糊。 | tight, thin 弦細 | red tongue, scanty fur 舌紅少苔 | strong 實 | sleep a lot, pain in both sides of head and eye sockets, pain and fullness in chest, angry easily. 多眠睡,頭兩側及目眥皆痛,胸滿脅痛,易怒。 | tight, strong 弦實 | red tongue, yellow fur 苔黃舌紅 |
9.腎病證候 kidney syndrome腎藏精,主骨生髓,開竅於耳,由於它是主封藏蟄伏的臟器,故監病多見耳目、腰膝及 生殖機能方面的疾病且多見虛證, 實症較少。 characteristics性 質 | syndrome 證狀 | pulse syndrome 脈象 | tongue & fur 舌苔 |
yin deficint 陰虛 | dizziness, blurry vision, tinnitus, deaf, spermatorrhea, achy loin, weak achy legs, cough with phlegm and blood, night sweating and hot at night. 頭眩目花,耳鳴耳聾,遺精腰痛,腰腿痠軟,咳嗽痰血,夜熱盜汗。 | weak, thin, rapid 虛細而 數 | red tongue, scanty fur 舌紅少苔 | yang deficient陽虛 | spermatorrhea with cold semen, impotence, cold loin and legs, weak legs, edema and small amount of urination, early morning diarrhea, flatulence, panting and short of breath, sweating on forehead, cold feet. 滑泄精冷,陽萎,腰腿覺冷,兩足痿軟,浮腫溲少,五更瀉,腹脹滿,喘息 氣短, 額汗足冷。 | deep, slow, weak, or weak and large 沉遲無力或虛大 | tongue is pale & moist or fat and soft 舌質淡潤或胖嫩 |
10.膀胱病證候 bladder syndrome膀胱為「州都之官」與腎有表裡關係,其病變多在小便方面。 characteristics性 質 | syndrome 證狀 |
deficient cold 虛寒 | urine is clear and frequent or lack of control, enuresis, edema 小便清白頻數或不禁,遺尿,浮腫。 | strong hot實熱 | difficulty in urination, hot sensation or pain like spikes poking, urine is reddish yellow, cloudy, pus and blood in urine, with sand or stones, difficulty in passing, fullness and pain in the lower abdomen 小便短澀不利,覺熱或疼痛,如刺,尿色黃赤, 渾 濁不清,尿膿血、血尿, 砂 石或閉塞不通,小腹脹滿硬痛。 |
11.臟腑兼病證候 zang fu with other syndromes臟腑兼 病 with other syndromes | syndrome 證狀 | pulse syndrome 脈象 | fur of tongue 舌苔 |
肺腎陰虛 lung kidney yin deficient | short of breath, coughing phlegm with blood, hot flashes, night sweating, pale face with pink cheeks, weak and irritable with insomnia, urinations are short, dark in color or not flowing smoothly. 氣短喘急,咳 欶痰血,潮熱盜汗,面白顴紅,虛煩不眠,小便短赤或不利。 | thin and rapid or tight and rapid 細數或弦數 | thin fur, red tongue, and dry 苔薄舌紅少津 | 心脾兩虛 heart and spleen both deficient | pale and yellowish face, eating small amount, fatigue, short of breath and lack of energy, forgetfulness, palpitation, lack of sleep, night sweating, irregular menses. 面色萎黃,食少倦怠,氣短神怯,健忘怔忡,少 寐,盜汗,婦女月經不調。 | thin soft and weak 細軟無力 | white fur, pale tongue 苔白質淡 | 心腎不交 heart and kidney not in harmony | difficult to fall asleep, even can be awake all night, tinnitus, dizziness, hot flashes, night sweating, uncomfortably warm in the chest and in the palms and soles, palpitation, forgetfulness, plenty of dreams, weak and achy lion and legs, spermatorrhea, red tongue with scanty fur, thin and rapid pulse, palpitation, night urinations, when active face turns red. 難以入睡,甚則徹夜不眠,頭暈耳鳴,潮熱盜汗 ,五心煩熱,健忘多夢,腰膝痠軟,遺精,舌紅少苔,脈細數。怔忡,夜間尿多 ,煩勞則面赤。 | weak, rapid 虛數 | red tongue without fur舌 紅無苔 | 心膽俱虛 heart and gall bladder both deficient | easily frighten, weak and easily annoyed and insomnia, plenty of dreams, vomiting, dry mouth. 觸事易驚,虛煩不寐,夢多,心煩喜嘔,口苦。 | tight, thin, weak 弦細無力 | pale red tongue 舌淡紅 | 脾腎陽虛 spleen and kidney yang deficient | lack of appetite, palpitation, flatulence, cold limbs, edema and ascites, loose stool, early morning diarrhea, frequent long urination, light color urine. 食少心悸,腹滿肢涼,水腫鼓脹,大便多溏,五 更瀉,小便頻 數清白。 | slow, weak, thin 緩弱遲細 | fur tongue lacking lustre 舌淡無華 | 脾肺兩虛 spleen and lung both deficient | cough and spitting muccus, short of breath, eating small amount, not digesting properly, emaciation, tired limbs. 咳吐 痰涎,氣短喘促,食少不化,贏瘦,肢怠。 | 虛數 | white fur and lack of moisture 苔白少津 | 肝陽上逆 liver yang ascending | strong heat實火 | headache, dizziness, red face and angry easily, pink eyes, tinnitus, bitterness in mouth, constipation, red urine. 頭痛眩暈、面紅易怒,目赤耳鳴,口苦 ,便秘溲赤。 | tight, hard and long 弦硬而長 | yellow fur and red tongue 苔黃質紅 | depressed heat鬱火 | fullness in head, chill and fever, spitting out acidic liquid, fullness and achiness in chest and rib cage, red hot face, scrofula. 頭脹,往來寒熱,嘔吐酸水,胸脅脹痛,面紅發熱,瘰癧痰核。 | tight and rapid 弦數 | red tongue with spikes 舌紅赤起刺 | liver wind肝風 | fainting suddenly, paralysis, difficult to speak. 卒然昏倒,口眼喎 斜,半身不遂,舌強不言。 | tight, ling and strong 弦長有力 | yellow fur and red tongue苔 黃舌紅 | 肝氣不舒 liver qi uncomfortable | fullness in rib cage, depressed mood, headache, blurry vision, heaviness in the lower abdomen, irregular menses. 脅肋串痛,抑鬱不樂, 頭痛目眩,少腹重墜,婦 女經水不調。 | tight, large and weak 弦大無力 | thin and greasy 薄膩 | 肝火刑肺 (木火刑金) liver fire against lung | qi ni: coughing, sicky phlegm, pain in rib cage area with no definite location, even spitting blood or blood in phlegm.氣逆:咳嗽痰粘,胸脅竄痛,甚則咯血或痰 血。 | 弦數 | yellow fur and red tongue 苔黃舌紅 | 肝氣犯胃 (木邪侮土) liver qi offending stomach | fullness and stuffiness in chest and solar plexus area, pain with no definite location in rib cage, pain in solar plexus, not digesting food, burping and spitting acid, irregular bowel movements. 胸脘滿悶,兩脅竄 痛,胃脘痛,食入不化,噯氣 吐酸,大便不調。 | tight 弦 | thing and yellow 薄黃 | 肝脾不和 liver and spleen not in harmony | wilted and yellow complexion, tiredness, no desire to drink liquid even when thirsty, no desire to eat even when hungry, bloating in abdomen with pain, gurgling intestine and diarrhea. 面色萎黃,神氣倦怠,渴不喜飲,飢不欲 食,腹 大腹痛,腸鳴泄瀉。 | tight, slow 弦緩 | white and greasy 白膩 | 肝腎陰虛 liver and kidney yin deficient | wilted complexion, pink cheeks, dry eyes and dizziness, pain in bones under the eyebrows, weakness in lower legs and loin area, dry mouth, night sweating, palms and soles are hot, difficuty in urination and in bowel movements, spermatorrhea in males, pain in lower abdomen in female with irregular menses and vagina discharge. 面色憔悴,兩顴嫩紅,頭眩目乾,眉稜 骨痛,腰 脛痿軟,咽乾盜汗,手足心 熱, 兩便艱澀,男子遺精,女子少腹痛 ,經水不調,帶下。 | thin 細 | red tongue with no fur 舌紅無苔 | 腎虛肝旺 (水不涵木) kidney deficient and liver flourishing | dizziness and blurry vision, heaviness in head, lack of balance, tinnitis and difficulty in hearing, insomnia and lots of dreams, irritable heat with red cheeks, palpitation and angry easily, achy loin and spermatorrhea. 頭昏目眩,頭重足輕,耳鳴耳聾,少寐多夢,煩 熱顴赤,心悸 易怒,腰痠 遺精 。 | tight, thin, rapid 弦細數 | bright and red 光紅 |
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